16 telling

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I look over at my brothers. Finley whispered to me: "bro, you reached the boiling point..that's scary and amazing at the same time." Tipsy whispering: "I never thought to see someone in our family reach the boiling point." I look at tinky and hug him back tightly. I then whispered in tinky's ear: "sweetheart, we need to talk...there's something I need to tell you. Tinky: "oh alright... but first let's head home so you can rest. I nodded as tinky hugs me again. I look over and see my brothers looking for jay, only to find out he's gone.. damnit.. Tinky walks me over to the car and sets me inside. "Where dad?" Tipsy: "got to scared to hang around." I giggled as I held tinky's hand. I look out the window as I lean onto tinky's shoulder. He looked surprised at first then smiles and kisses my forehead. I smile.

^Back at home^

(Tinky's pov)
We finally arrived at the house. We walked in and I sat on the couch with dipsy. "Hey...dipsy?" Dipsy: "Yes?" "What happened over there?.." Dipsy sighed. Dipsy : "baby..I've been meaning to tell you this since we were married..my family including myself have the most dark and crazy anger issues that our father's side had for generations we call it our inner anger...my brothers and I had our first experience with it since we were only little..some of the kids and bullies were scared of us, due to the fact of what we're capable of....all three of us spend our days working out and doing things to control our inner amger..we did things that most kids do...the only reason I cook and clean cause I spent time with my mom.....what you saw...was what we call the boiling point. It hasn't been used since the days of our great great great grandfather... Finley: "Yeah tinky winky...we kept our inner anger in unless someone sets it off.." Tipsy: "For example, when people are stupid enough to pick on me, I got nuts, when Finley see a girl getting harassed or something, he looses it. But what we realized this is for dipsy." "W-what?.." Dipsy looks at me. Dipsy: "whenever you are in terrible danger and getting hurt, it sets me off." "..wh...why didn't you tell me?" Dipsy: "When I first came in to teletubbie land..I didn't expect friends and a boyfriend.. at least untill you and the girls came..I thought you guys would be afraid of me if I said anything.."  I stood up with tears in my eyes. "I would never be afraid of you no matter what...I still love you." I walk over to hug dipsy, but then trip. I didn't fall..did dipsy catch me?.. Dipsy: "I may be feminine and shorter than you tinky, but I'm a lot stronger than I look."  I was surprised.

(Dipsy's pov)
I helped tinky up before we both sat down. Finley sat down, so did tipsy. Finley: "yeah, we've been like this ever since we were little..our father didn't even tell us this untill I was seven, tipsy five, and dipsy, when he was only three. I saw tipsy looking at a picture of us when we were younger. Tipsy: "yeah..but despite our problems, we tried our best to look like a happy family." I nodded as I felt a hand on mine. Looking to see it was tinky's. Tinky: "Dipsy....i am so sorry..." "it wasn't your fault babe." I could see the tears in tinky's eyes. Tinky: "b..but it was my.." "Ssshhhhh....don't apologize...if those guys come back, I'll be there to protect you, okay?" Tinky nodded and smiled before kissing me on the cheek. I smiled. Finley: "Welp, better get going. It's getting late and I don't want dad to ramble more, probably is right now haha.." "Ah right." I hugged both of my brothers, and they patted tinky on the back before leaving. Locking the door, I turn around and hug tinky. He hugs back. 

tinky winky x dipsy season 2 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now