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It was around lunch time, as a car parks near a house. Inside the car, tinky winky and dipsy are looking a bit nervous.

"So, you ready?"
Dipsy looks at tinky winky as he nods. Tinky sighs as he steps out of the car, dipsy does the same. Both walk to the door as one knocks. Then wait.

Dipsy taps on tinky shoulder to get his attention as he points to the house.

"This house seems nice doesn't it? I should ask your parents for their opinion on houses cause they got a good sense of house styles." Dipsy says while admiring.

Tinky laughs a bit as he agrees.
"Yeah, it's the same house I grew up in, but they changed it so much after I moved out."

Suddenly a little small purple teletubbie opens the door.
"Hi big brother! And big brother's princess!"

Dipsy blushes as he laughed.
"You're more of a princess than me, lilly."
Lilly shakes her head.
"I know! But you're my big brother's princess, only his!"

"OK Lilly, that's enough i think he gets it." Tinky says while smiling.

"Big brother! You need to buy your princess a tiara! And horses! And a big dress to dance with him!-"

"Lilly, that's enough." A man voice is heard saying.

"Sorry" Lilly says.
"Hey dad"
"Ah son, come in, you're gonna get my son in law cold!"
Tinky shakes his head as dipsy is giggling.

Some time later tinky's mother comes in and sit down.
"Here you go, corazón, have some tea. You too, son."
Dipsy smiles as he takes the cup
"Thanks, mimi." Said dispy delighted.
"Thanks, ma."

After talking for awhile, tinky brought it up.
"So.. mom, if it's too much for you I understand.. but do you think can tell us about my high school years?"

( I'm gonna now call tinky's mom, daisy, and tinky's dad will be ,tippy.)

Daisy sighs as she places her cup on the table.

"Well, it's going to be a long story. I remember it was a week before tinky winky's prom. He was so excited, picking out the suit, a flower and nice shoes and all that stuff. Then, a friend of his called him and invite him to hang out at his house and to discuss their plans for prom. He asked for permission of course and I let him go.. I thought I could trust them since they were his friends since the beginning of middle school. That day came and I drop tinky winky off at one of their house and I told him to call me when I can come pick him up."

Daisy then began to tear up.

"Hours went by and still no call. It was getting late. And I knew something was wrong, tinky knew he shouldn't stay out so late, and would have called me earlier. I told my husband to get in the car, we had to drop off lilly at your grandparent's house because I had a bad feeling, we drove to the house we dropped tinky off. It a small house.. more like a cabin. All the lights were off  and we couldn't go inside. So we called the police, they got a search warrant to go inside."

Daisy started to sob.

"They found my poor boy, he was bleeding, and later, found out he was bleeding from his head. They took him to the hospital. He had to stay there and they had to do surgery on his head."

Daisy sighs as she shakes. Tippy side hugging her as he comforts her.

"In the end, tinky had been pushed by his so called "friends", fell down the stairs and hit his head on the edge of a table. They mocked him and..assaulted him. And left him there to die. The school found out. They were expelled and put into jail. I don't know what happened to them after.. but I never want to see those people again."

Tinky looks shock as dipsy looks shock as well. Dipsy then suddenly starts to weep. He looks down.

"When tinky woke up, he forgot everyone. Our family and you.. Dipsy. I remember how you were so upset you were sobbing cause he couldn't remember you. I tried so hard to make him remember, showing photos and videos. But nothing worked. We took him to rehabilitation and he got some of his memory back, but he was never the same after. He was quiet, never talked most of the time, wasn't as kind as he used to be. After he graduated, he got better and was almost like he was himself again, but it still wasn't the same as he was before the incident."

Dipsy then hugs tinky and tinky hugs him back. Kissing the top of his head.

Daisy sighs but is relieved.
"At least, you two still got together. That's what matters."
Daisy gets up as she hugs her son-in-law  and her son. Then she walked into the kitchen.

"Would you boys like some sandwiches? They're grilled cheese."

That stopped dipsy from crying real quick.

"Did you say grilled cheese?"


Dipsy get out of tinky's arms as he runs to the kitchen and sits down.
Tinky laughs at dipsy's child-like behavior. He joins dipsy, as well as tippy and lilly. They all eat as dipsy tells tinky what they did over the years together when they were younger.

"I still remember the first time I met you when I went to teletubbie land. You had a smile as you went up to me and said hi. You hanged out with me everyday, even unexpectedly. It was cute." Dipsy said, remembering.

Tinky smiles as he hugs dipsy and kisses his cheeks multiple time. His mother laughs along with his sister.

"So, have you guys started thinking about a family? Or buying a house? :)."

tinky winky x dipsy season 2 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now