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"A sentence with quotation marks means someone is talking."

A sentence in italics means someone's thoughts.

A sound effect will be in bold

'A sentence with a single quotation mark means Saiki is reading someone's thoughts'

"I told you I'm FINE," Hanabi said as she pushed her brother towards the door.

"Clearly you AREN'T," Ashton retorted. "Stop pushing me." Hanabi stopped pushing him and Ashton turned around. He put his hand on her forehead and sighed. "See! You have a fever."

"It's just a minor cold. I'll be fine."

"You didn't even go to school today, how are you gonna tell me that you're fine?"

Well, that wasn't the only reason why I didn't go. "I'll take some medicine and before you know it, I'll be okay. Besides, you're gonna be late," Hanabi said, pushing him towards the door once again.

"Why did my coach decide to have a training camp?" he groaned.

Hanabi giggled and stopped pushing him. "Listen, if I feel bad I'll call you so don't worry okay?"

"Ugh, fine!" Ashton patted Hanabi's head before putting on his shoes. He opened the door and was about to close it but he stopped. "Just...promise to call me, please."

"I promise." Ashton smiled and waved before closing the door. Hanabi sighed and shivered. How the hell did I catch a cold? I was perfectly fine yesterday. She shook her head and walked towards the living room and plopped herself down on the couch.

~At the Saiki residence~

Hanabi didn't come to school today, is she okay? Saiki had Hanabi's homework in his hand as paced the room. I still haven't come up with a plan. Should I ask mom for some advice? Saiki groaned and stuffed the homework in his bag. He walked downstairs and walked towards the kitchen.


Kurumi turned around to face Saiki. "What is it, Ku?"

"I need some help."

Kurumi gasped and dropped the spoon in her hand. "Do you need money?"

"What? No? I need some advice about Hanabi."

"I can help you Kusuo." Saiki and Kurumi turned around to face Kuniharu.

"I would never come to you for advice," Saiki plainly said. Kuniharu pouted and began mumbling incoherent words. Saiki sighed and turned his attention back to his mom.

"Well, what happened?"

"Hanabi's been avoiding me and she wouldn't tell me why."

"The only thing you can do is talk to her. How about you go to her house and talk to her and maybe invite her somewhere?" Kurumi suggested.

"I was gonna go give her the homework she missed today."

Kurumi smiled. "Perfect! Go on!" she said as she began pushing him out of the house. "Go make up with my future daughter in law!" Saiki blushed and groaned before beginning to walk towards Hanabi's house.

~Back at the Amor residence~

Knock knock

Sugary Sweetحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن