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"A sentence with quotation marks means someone is talking."

A sentence in italics means someone's thoughts.

A sound effect will be in bold

'A sentence with a single quotation mark means Saiki is reading someone's thoughts.'

Hanabi POV:

I reached my hand into my bag of chips but it was empty. Ugh, I have to get some more chips but I don't wanna get up. I sighed and sat my lazy ass up on my bed. I pressed pause on my favorite anime and grabbed my empty bag of chips. I opened my bedroom door and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. I threw the empty bag into the trash can and opened my pantry. Hmmm, so many options. I looked at the variety of chips and candies stacked up in my pantry. I guess I'll go with this one. I grabbed a bag of chocolate and closed the pantry. Satisfied with my choice, I hummed as I walked back upstairs to my room and sat down on my bed. I pressed play on the anime and opened the chocolate bag. I grabbed several pieces and shoved them into my mouth, my mouth immediately watered at the taste of pure sweetness. There wasn't any school today and I have no plans so I decided to just watch anime and laze around the whole day.


I looked over at my phone charging on my bedside table and saw that I got a text message. I unplugged my phone and unlocked my phone. Oh, it's Aren!

Aren: Hey, you busy today?
Hanabi: Am I ever busy?
Aren: lol I guess not. Do you wanna hang out?

I'd like to hang out with Aren since we haven't gone out in a while but I'm so comfy in my bed. Stop being a lazy butt and hang out with your friends.

Hanabi: Sure! Where do you wanna go?
Aren: I didn't think that far ahead.
Hanabi: Why am I not surprised? How about we go to my friends' cafe?
Aren: Alright, just send me the address. See you in an hour?
Hanabi: Yup! (Address)

I plugged my phone back in and closed my laptop. I grabbed a few more pieces of chocolate before closing the bag and putting it on my table. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the light, getting blinded in the process. Holy shit, why is it so bright? Once I began regaining my vision, I looked in the mirror and saw how atrocious I looked. My hair was all over the place, my glasses made me look terrible, and I looked homeless in my baggy hoodie and sweatpants. I turned on the shower and took off my clothes, throwing them in my hamper. I got into the shower and jumped at how cold it was. I immediately turned the handle to the highest setting and relaxed as I felt the hot steaming water hit my skin. I lathered my body with my favorite lavender body wash and washed it off. I shampooed my hair and then washed it out, then I put conditioner on the ends of my hair. I grabbed my face wash and washed my face while my conditioner set. I rinsed everything off and turned the shower off. I grabbed my towel and wrapped my hair up and then dried my body off. I put on my robe and walked into my room. I sat down at my vanity and put on my contacts and then applied some moisturizer. I let down my hair and brushed it out then, I turned on my blow-drier and began drying my hair.

After my hair was dry it was now time to pick out an outfit. Hmm, what should I wear? I looked into my closet and looked at all my options. I guess I'll go with something simple, there's no reason for me to glam up. I grabbed my black ripped jeans and a simple white t-shirt. I took off my robe and put on my newly picked outfit. I walked over to my vanity and put in two Bobby pins on the side of my hair. Now for the finishing touch. I put on my ring and sprayed some perfume on my wrists and my neck.

I unplugged my phone and saw that I was pretty good on time. I walked downstairs and saw that my brother was in the living room. Okay, I can't let him see me. I tried to sneakily go past the living room but I accidentally bumped into a table. Shit. My brother spun around and said," Hanabi! What're you doing?" I nervously laughed as I looked at him. "I'm going out with a friend," I said as I slightly mumbled the last part.

His expression got serious and stared bullets into my head. "A friend huh?" I nodded and averted my gaze. "Is it a guy?" I started laughing again before I started running towards the door. "Hanabi!" I put my shoes on as fast as possible and opened the door, I quickly ran out and looked back to see my brother standing at the door. Whew, I made it out. If I would've stayed there any longer he probably wouldn't let me go out. I stopped running when I got a good distance away and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I looked up to see that I was actually in front of Cafe Mami. Oh wow, did I run that far?

I opened the door and a little bell on the door rang. Mera came over and said," Oh Hanabi! What're you doing here?" I smiled and said," Well, you told me that you worked at this cafe so I decided to pay a visit." She smiled back and grabbed a menu. "Well, I'll show you to your seat." She began walking and I followed her. It was pretty empty and quiet but I liked the atmosphere. I looked around and noticed a familiar pink haired person. I tapped on Mera's shoulder and she looked over her shoulder at me. "Is that Saiki?" I asked and pointed towards his direction. She looked to where I was pointing and nodded. "I'll go sit over there then." She nodded and gave me the menu. I walked over to where Saiki was sitting and tapped his shoulder. He looked over at me and I smiled.

"What're you doing here Saiki?" I asked as I sat in front of him and put the menu on the table.

"I wanted some coffee jelly," he said with his usual monotone voice.

My eyes lit up as he said that. "You also like coffee jelly?" He nodded and I looked down at his coffee jelly, my mouth watering.

"You want some?"

I looked up at him and smiled." It's yours, I could just order some myself." Saiki picked up his spoon and dug it into the coffee jelly and then held it towards me. 

"Are you sure?" He nodded, the coffee jelly still held in front of me. Should I tease him a bit?

"Okay but only if you feed it to me." I watched his face turn slightly red as he looked at me shocked. I opened my mouth and said "ah." With his face still red, he fed me the coffee jelly. I hummed, delighted, tasting the bitter yet sweet dessert fill my mouth.

"Ahem," Saiki cleared his throat. "I didn't get to ask what you were doing here."

"Oh, I'm meeting up with Aren." Saiki's expression turned into something I couldn't understand.

"Hanabi!" I turned around and stood up when I saw Aren jogging towards me. "Sorry, I'm late."

"It's fi—," I was cut off when Aren suddenly pulled me into a tight hug. "Ca-can't breath," I tried to say as I lightly punched his shoulder.

"Oh sorry," he chuckled as he put me down. "Oh, Saiki you're here too?" Saiki simply nodded before taking a bite of his coffee jelly. Is something bothering him? Saiki had a blank expression but I caught a small glimpse of sadness when he looked over at me and Aren.

I sat down in front of Saiki and patted the seat next to me for Aren to sit down. Aren sat down next to me and Mera came over to take our order. "I'll have a coffee jelly." 

"I'll have a chocolate cake." Mera nodded and took our menus.

"So why did you wanna hang out today?" I asked as I looked over at Aren.

"We haven't hung out since you left." Aren began blushing. "I guess I m-missed you." Aww, so cute!

"I missed you too dummy."

"Who are ya calling dumb?" I giggled and we continued idly chatting as we ate our deserts. I glanced over at Saiki every so often since he was so quiet which isn't unusual but something felt off. Once we finished our deserts we walked out of the cafe and stood outside before Aren said he had to get going. I waved goodbye as he walked away. I looked over at Saiki slightly nudged his side. He looked down at me and I asked," You okay? You seem kinda off."

"I'm okay now." Now? I didn't have time to ask him what he meant when started walking ahead of me. I had to jog to catch up to him. Damn my short legs. We were walking in comfortable silence when a crowd of schoolgirls began running towards us.

"Hurry! We have to see Mugami Tooru's new show!"

Out of impulse I grabbed Saiki's hand and squeezed it. He looked down at me shocked but he didn't pull away. Instead, he maneuvered us through the crowd and into an empty street. That was hella scary. I sighed with relief and looked up at Saiki. "Thanks for that," I said as I flashed him a quick grin.

"No problem."

"It's getting pretty late, let's get going." I started walking away but I noticed that I was still holding on to Saiki's hand. I blushed and quickly pulled my hand away. "Sorry."

He didn't say anything instead, he slid his hand back into mine and began walking. I was a bit surprised but it felt...nice. I walked next to him and noticed how his hand fit perfectly in mine. His hand was soft and warm and it felt so natural. This is pretty nice. I smiled to myself as we continued walking. He offered to walk me home so I told him where I lived. We held hands until we arrived at my house where he let go. My hand instantly felt cold and empty without his.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Of course." It was too dark to be sure but I swore I saw him smiling.

"I'll see ya at school," I said as I waved at him. He nodded and started walking away. I looked down at my hand and started blushing. We held hands! I didn't expect Saiki to grab my hand again but I liked it. Why?

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