Chapter 19-"Where Do You Think You're Going?"

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I'd been laying in my bed awake for hours.

I hardly slept after Trevor's little 'visit'. It was so unexpected and startling, but yet somehow, I felt...grateful to be protected and looked out for.

I sighed, halfway hoping for a phone call from Mom and halfway knowing I wouldn't get one.

It was nearly noon. It was weird to be alone and half of me missed being with Trevor. Well, maybe not Trevor. But missed being with people.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through my contacts, clicking on Gina's name.

Was she still mad at me for ditching her at the party?

I mean, she hadn't called me the whole time Trevor took me and I couldn't exactly call her.

I pressed the phone to my ear and she picked up on the second ring. Before I could even say hello, her voice blasted through the speaker at a hundred miles per hour.

"I'm so glad you're not mad at me anymore! I'm so sorry. I waited all week for you to call me. Were you really that mad?"

"I..." I trailed off. "No, I wasn't. I mean, I was. But I was kinda busy all week." I said, chewing my lip and glancing to the side.

"Oh. Church stuff?" She asked.

"Umm. Yeah." I agreed quickly. "So, let's hang out today. I missed you."

"My thoughts exactly, girl!" She said excitedly. "Unfortunately, I kinda already made plans with..."

"Reggie." I finished for her, rolling my eyes, referring to her immature boyfriend as my mind flashed back to his party a week ago.

"Don't be mad! Reggie's friend is coming. You guys can hang out together with us." She offered.

"No. Not another one of your blind dates." I said, grimmacing.

"No! You've met him! It's Chris. The cute one." She said in a singsong voice and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine. But only because I want to see you. This is not a date." I warned and I could hear the excitement in her voice as she squealed.

"Be ready in an hour!"

With that, we hung up. I lazily climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and stepped inside the steamy shower. I washed myself and got out, wrapping a towel around my body.

I rushed over to my closet and threw on a pair of black shorts and a white T-Shirt. I hurriedly applied makeup on and ran a brush through my hair before slipping on my sandals. I trotted down the stairs, grabbing my purse from the kitchen. I snatched my car keys, not wanting to be without my own way home ever again.

A loud honk outside signaled Gina's arrival. I gathered my things and stepped outside, closing and locking the door.

"Gina!" I squealed, running up to her car parked in my driveway. I leaned down as she rolled down the window.

"Hey!" She said, grinning. "Hop in!"

She unlocked the doors and I glanced past her, noting that Reggie and Chris were seated inside.

"Actually, I was thinking of taking my own car. I might have to stop at the store after we're done hanging out." I explained.

"Oh, okay. Chris," Gina said, turning her attention to the familiar green-eyed, blonde haired boy in the back. "You and Nat are going to take her car."

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