Chapter 15-The Party

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As soon as my heels hit the ground, my stomach tied itself in knots.

I took a deep breath and started walking down the dark street, setting my eyes on the house.

I said a silent prayer since I knew the guys could hear me.

I rounded the corner and could no longer see the van, meaning they could no longer see me.

That's when I started to feel a bit panicked, walking in the dark alone.

We all know where that got me the last time.

"Natalie, talk to us."

Trevor's voice in my ear made me jump as I sped up a bit.

"I'm almost there." I said.

It was comforting to know that they were still there listening but I was still extremely paranoid as I kept speeding up, the clicking of my heels sounding more and more frantic.

"Good. Just keep going. Don't get nervous. It's too late to get nervous. Now, you just have to say fuck it and do it!"

Darry's voice rang through this time.

I took a deep breath.

I was now officially on the block of Marc's house.

"I'm on his block." I said, slowing down in an attempt to look normal.

I wasn't as scared now as I could see many people gathered on the lawn and a street light shown over me.

I took another deep breath.

"What if they don't let me in?" I mumbled, trying to keep my lips still as I spoke on account of I was getting closer.

"Trust me, they'll let you in. They let all the hot girls in." Darry said.

I didn't reply as I was now close enough to hear the booming music inside the house. The lawn was scattered with beer cans and people falling around, shouting nonsense at each other.

I placed my shaking leg onto the first step and then the second, concentrating on not falling.

As I approached the door, a tall, buff guy with sandy hair stood in front of it. He looked around early or mid 20s.

Time to get in character.

"Name." He said, his eyes trailing down the length of my body.

"Kayla Green." Trevor said into my ear.

"Kayla Green." I said, snapping my fingers in his face. "And my eyes are up here."

He smirked, leaning against the door and crossing his arms.

"A little firecracker, aren't you?" He said, chuckling. "I haven't seen you around here before. How come?" He said, tilting his head, looking down at me.

"Not from here." I said, sounding bored. "Look, are you going to let me in or what?" I said, rolling my eyes as I shifted my weight on to one foot.

"What are you going to do for me?" He said, smirking.

"I'll let you watch me walk in." I said, rolling me eyes again. "You seemed to enjoy the view from the front so well that I imagine you'll drool for the back."

"Funny." He said as he smirked, opening the door and stepping aside.

"Thank you." I said, brushing past him.

He shut the door once I was inside, leaving himself on the opposite side of it.

How tragic.

He was such a creep.

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