Chapter 18-Dreams of the Past, Does Nothing Ever Last?

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They got dangerous.

I taught her the ropes.

And she taught me how to love.

I chuckled.

She was a tiger, that's for sure.

I pulled away from her house and began traveling down the road.

We'd just gotten done at a meeting with the guys about a rival gang who, to put it gently, weren't very happy with us right now. Not that we gave a fuck.

I chuckled again.

Nonetheless, the heat had definitely been turned up and we were watching our backs. Not out of fear, but out of wit. Out of practicality. It just stands to reason that if we get someone, they're going to want to get us back. The least we could do was be on guard. And trust me, we were. We'd be damned if they would even touch us.

But they did touch us.



She didn't call.

She hadn't locked the door.

She was stupid.

They took her.

*End of dream*

I jerked awake, my body shooting up in the bed, dripping in sweat as I breathed heavily into the darkness.

My hands fumbled wildly, feeling the empty sheets around me, looking for her before I froze, realizing what I was doing.

I took a shaky breath.

I hadn't had a dream about Bridgette in over a year.


My Bridgette.

Why didn't I find her, search harder?

How could I let her get taken in the first place?

Why did I leave her alone when I knew they were after us?

I shook my head quickly.

No. She was stupid. She got herself taken. She was careless. She--

I stopped myself.

She was gone.


I couldn't always come back to this.

To her.

I might've loved her then, but fuck that now.

I had a lot on my plate back then and she just got in the way.

Love blinded me from my work and that would never happen again.

Not even the memories of love were welcomed in my mind.

What triggered me to dream about her again?

I thought back on the last few days.

Could Natalie have made me think of her?


That was impossible.

Natalie's hair was brown.

Bridgette's was a golden blonde.

Natalie's eyes were a chocolate brown.

Bridgette's eyes were a bright blue.

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