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December, 1973

Muriel had a daughter who is now 4 years old, her name is Kristine. Muriel's parents didn't take it well when they heard the news but they've been there for her. When she found out, she decided that she still needed to get an education so she went to college and ignored the people who judged her, she was focused on getting her degree so she can become a registered nurse.

Diane and Rose have also been a huge help to her as well, they were there for her when she was delivering Kristine and they babysat for her whenever she had to go to her evening classes.

Muriel then came up with her own money from working at the grocery store and moved into a one bedroom apartment and bought a car, she was doing good on her own, she was taking it one day at a time. Deep down she wished that Clyve was there. She was hurting at the fact that he's missed so much, Kristine's first steps, her first words, her being born. at least she sent him pictures.
It still didn't feel like enough.

Clyve started to write letters to her which eased her fears a little. Kristine has been the light in Muriel's life and was the main reason why she kept going and never gave up even when she felt weak. Kristine has been the main thing that kept her from losing herself.

Muriel was asleep but was soon interrupted by Kristine jumping on the bed as she let out the most adorable giggle.

Her eyes opened and she chuckled
"Good morning munch" She smiled as she sat up

Kristine plopped on the bed
"Good morning, Happy birthday Mommy!"
She exclaimed then he gave her a hug

She gave a look "Aw thank you baby" she coo'd as she rubbed her back

She sat on her lap "I love you mommy" she said in the cutest voice

Every time she said that it warmed Muriel's heart every time. Kristine reminded her so much of Clyve more and more everyday. She was also mature for her age, a fast learner, just like Clyve.

She smiled "I love you more much" she coo'd

Muriel got out of bed and picked Kristine up carrying her on her hip and walked to the bathroom, they brush their teeth together every morning.

She put Kristine on her stool, pulled out their toothbrushes and put toothpaste on top "Wanna have a race?" She asked with a smile

Kristine smiled at her through the reflection in the mirror revealing her gap tooth
"Yeah!" She exclaimed

They giggled "Alright, ready. Set. Go!" She exclaimed then they started brushing as fast as they can

Kristine finished first "I won!" She exclaimed with a smile

She playfully pouted "Aww man" she groaned

Kristine rubbed Muriel's back "Don't be sad mommy, you'll do better next time" she assured

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