Different Ending #1

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Different Ending #1

Sebastian (P.O.V.):

The day after Dakota pushed me down the stairs and rushed me to the hospital, I woke up a year later with a bit of memory loss but when I woke up Dakota was by my bedside as well as a pair of twins that seem familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

I told them to leave because I didn't know them and they were a bit to clingy for me but after I told them to leave they said something about rejection and it made me upset for some unknown reason but I didn't put much thought into it.

Dakota told me that while I was in my coma that he spent 3 months in jail for a DUI and for pushing me "by accident" and when he went to jail, it changed him for the better I guess because he took anger management and was prescribed bipolar medicine which helped him get his life back on track, he got a job as a electrician.

When I left the hospital a week after waking up, Dakota moved me into his apartment where things between us grew for the better. I never saw the twins again and Dakota never hit me like he did before I went into the coma.

"Bassy I'm home! Where are you?" Dakota called out as he walked into the house.

"In the kitchen!" I shout back.

Dakota came in and kisses my cheek as he sits on one of the stools at the counter and looks at me as I was making dinner.

"How was work?" I asked

"I got made manger there and work for higher paying assignments now" he tells me as I finish cooking and put a plate in front of him.

"That's great, I'm happy for you my love" I say honestly as I peck his lips and puts my plate down next to him and starts to eat along side him.

"Maybe one day in the future once we have a bigger apartment, we could maybe adopted or get a Sargent and start a family" he says to me which puts a big smile on my face.

"That sounds amazing I can't wait, I love you so much Dakota" I say to him as I kiss him.

"I love you so much and I'm sorry for the pain I caused you, if I step out of line ever again don't be afraid to tell me" he says to me.

"Okay and I forgive and thank you for changing for the better" I tell him as he grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"I changed for you" he told me as we kissed once more and continued to eat our dinner and discuss the future.

Here's a different Ending of My Best Friend, I hope you like it if not there's a Different Ending #2 coming soon. Please do not leave mean comments thank you!!

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