"Yeah, that's her."

I look over at Sadie to see her smiling like an idiot, and laughing at the same time. I missed hearing Sadie laugh, I know I was able to see her, but I couldn't hug her, she was so serious, and sad. And I can't stand it when my siblings are sad, especially Sadie, since she is one of the happiest girls ever.

"Wait, tomorrow? But that's when my big track meet is! No one else is gonna be willing to come." Pony said. Sadie cleared her throat. "Except for Sadie."

Soda's face fell.

"Oh, right. That's okay, I can always reschedule the date. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

I looked at Soda, he looked so down, I knew I had to do something.

"I can come to the meet and watch you Pony, I've got nothin' better to do." I said

Soda looked at me thankfully.

"Alright, then it's settled."

I rolled my eyes.

"Soda, we just saved your date, try not to jeopardize it again, 'k?" Pony said.

We all burst into bubbles of laughter.


I've missed this. Everyone was teasing Soda. It was just amazing. I have never been so grateful to be with my family in my life. I mean, I love them all so much, but I guess I kind of took them all for granted. Now that I think about it, I should spend as much time as possible with my family, because you never know what will happen to them.

Soon, I reached home. I was really excited. I got out of the car, and ran into the house. Two-Bit's back was turned, so I jumped on his back, and he screamed. That was when I fell off of Two's back, laughing. Steve then picked me up and threw me on the couch and started to tickle me. I screamed playfully for him to stop. As soon I stood up, I saw Johnny running down stairs, and that was when I ran up to him and tackled him to the ground and said, "Hey, Johnnycakes. I missed ya, buddy," I said while hugging him tightly.


I was in her room, crying when I heard a car out front, I thought it was Dally. Until I heard Two-Bit screaming. I thought that Steve pranked Two again, but then I heard Steve laughing, and a girl that sounded like Sadie screaming and laughing. So I ran down the stairs fast, and she ran up to me and tackled me. My back hurt, but then I saw Sadie, smiling like a fool. "Hey, Johnnycakes. I missed ya, buddy." She said while hugging me tightly.

"I missed you too, Sadie. What happened to you?" Noticing her hair, and how many knots were in it. She got off of me, and stuck out a hand to help me up too. I took it, and we sat on the couch.

She explained everything that happened. I still felt guilty though. I think that it is my fault that this happened. If I didn't leave, then she wouldn't have left to go on a walk. Then this guy wouldn't have jumped her and put the gun in her pocket. Then she wouldn't have gone to the cooler, and wouldn't be accused for murder. I didn't know what to do, so I held Sadie in my arms. I can't afford to lose her again. She means the world to me.


I walked up to Johnny since he seemed a bit off today. I mean, I don't blame him. "Hey Johnnycakes."


"You ok? You seemed a bit off today."

"A-actually, t-there is something that I wanted to tal-lk to you about." He said with tears coming down his face.

"Anything, Johnny."

"Listen, man. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially Sadie. She means everything to me. But I feel really guilty for what happened. I feel-"

"Stop right there, first of all, it is not your fault that this happened to Sadie."

"I know, but I feel guilty. I feel that if I didn't leave, then she wouldn't be framed for murder. And I'm being serious, I feel that I can't protect her. Sadie is perfect in every single way possible, and she deserves someone who can protect her, man."

"Johnny, stop it. I-"

"I can't protect her. I just can't watch her get hurt. She deserves better."


"What, man?"

"Sadie loves you. I don't know if she told you this, but she has for 7 years. If you break up with her because you feel guilty of this happening, she will be heartbroken forever. She never was the type of girl that was into guys so much she'd do bizarre things. But she loves you. A lot. Please. Remember our promise? Break-"

"Break her heart, I'll break your face."

"Exactly, now. Are you sure you want that pretty face of yours to be broken?" I say as he laughs.

"Mm... nah. I'll pass. Thanks though, I appreciate the offer." He says, which makes me laugh.

Sadie walks in on us, and says that dinner is ready. We all walk down the stairs, excited for dinner. Darry and Soda were in the kitchen. I looked at Johnny, while he raised his eyebrows confused. Sadie was just laughing as she sat down at the table. Johnny sat on one side of her as I sat on the other.


"Guys? I have good news!" I say, while smirking at Soda. He looks at me with a face of disappointment.

"Sadie Curtis. If you tell them, I will skin you."

"Tell us what?" Johnny, Steve, and Two-Bit say in unison.

Soda sits down in defeat, while he looks down with embarrassment.

"Soda has got himself a date!!!"

"Since when does Sodapop have the guts to ask a girl out??" Two-Bit says. Immediately, Soda shoots him a look telling him to shut up. As I sit down in my chair laughing.

"Her name is Susan. She was my lawyer."

A bunch of OOHs and AHHs erupted from the dinner table. While Soda was red from embarrassment. For the rest of dinner, we all were making fun of Soda and Susan, in a playful way.

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