There For You - Kate x Reader

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"Did you know the Venomous Tentacula releases venom from its shoots? It's known to have killed many people. How crazy's that?" Y/N read aloud to Kate, seemingly fascinated.

Kate gave a half-smile, one that didn't quite reach Y/N's eyes as the girl sat opposite Kate continued reading her book about plants. Several months back, an interaction like this would have made Kate extremely happy, knowing she was spending time with the girl she loved, however recently Kate just felt exhausted, fed up, and simply bored of life and it just got worse with the video.

Kate hated feeling this way, more so when she looked around and witnessed endless amounts of students laughing and joking when it seemed like something she just couldn't do anymore.

"Did you- hey, are you alright?" Y/N glanced up from her book and immediately moved it to one side once she saw how unfocused Kate was.

Kate nodded her head slowly, staring into space, not really paying much attention to anything going on around her - all Kate felt like doing was crawling into bed and never coming out again.

"Please don't lie to me, I hate it when you do. You don't have to tell me what's wrong right now, but I know something is. And... I'm here for you, ya know, if you need anything," Y/N spoke softly, not wanting anyone to overhear when they didn't have to.

Kate forced herself to mumble a small 'thank you'. It wasn't Y/N's fault she felt like this - like the whole world was irrelevant, and she herself a meaningless speck - and Kate knew she deserved the truth, however, she couldn't bring herself to admit just what was wrong.

How was Kate supposed to tell the smartest and most beautiful person she ever met that she simply didn't care about anything anymore, and had no motivation to do anything except think about how much she hated everything, or how insignificant everything seemed to her?

Y/N watched with a frown as Kate continued staring somewhere to her left, somewhat unresponsive to the world around her. Y/N gave a small sigh, hating that Kate was clearly hurting, yet not being able to do anything about it.

Kate's eyes were more tired than they used to be. Y/N recalled a time where Kate's eyes sparkled with some kind of life, like sunbeams bouncing off the glass. She never saw that anymore, just the desperate pleads of a once-happy girl with anxiety and depression all because of the Vortex party. She made a promise to herself when Kate first opened up to her - she'd do anything in her power to get that happiness back.

Y/N didn't totally understand what Kate was going through, she just knew that Kate was unhappy, tired, broken, and she wanted to be the one that Kate came to for support when she needed it. She didn't know what was racing through Kate's mind, she didn't know just how deep Kate had gotten, but she knew Kate needed someone. And she was going to be that someone, to the best of her ability.

Y/N reached out and took Kate's hand. A simple gesture, yet it held so much emotion behind it. Kate finally snapped out of her trance, her eyes wandering to Y/N's hand covering her own.

Kate tried to smile, she truly did. And Y/N saw the smallest hint of movement at the corner of her mouth, and she knew.

"I'm sorry," Kate whispered, still not making eye contact with her, continuing her focus on both their hands, moving so her fingers interlocked with Y/N's. 

"Don't apologize," Y/N said with a small shake of her head, "Never think that it's your fault. You know it's not. I know it's not. I don't care how long it takes for you to be happy - really happy - again. I'm here for you. I'm always here for you. You know I love you."

Finally looking into her eyes, Kate let out a real, genuine smile. They held so much adoration for her, and Kate's heart ached - Kate loved her so much, and she knew she loved him just as much. Kate's smile meant a lot to Y/N - she loved seeing it and hoped that she'd start seeing it more often.

Life Is Strange ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora