I need time

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Athena POV

Walking out hospital thoughts swirled around my head, but something was off. It felt like I had an understanding of everyone the I walked past. Shaking my head, I just went back into the Packhouse to get my baby and go to sleep.

Glancing back, I didn't see Harrison behind me like I hoped that he would. Shaking my head, I run through the woods until I got to the Packhouse. As time went by, I felt a major headache coming on as I walked to the pack house. The walk through the woods was creepy at first but I got used to it.

The walk was about twenty minutes and the only thing I saw of the pack house was the shape because all of the lights were off. Shaking my head, Into the clearing to be shot by a headache.

Shaking my head, I walk through the grass only to lose my balance and fell on the floor. Taking a deep breath, I tried to stand up but the room start to spin before I fell into a dark abyss.

I don't know how much time passed but I felt myself moving through the darkness, not sure where I was going and since I couldn't see anything, I just looked at what I could assume was the ground. I wasn't afraid though I felt a sense of peace fall over my being while I waked towards what could be my doom. I walked for what felt like forever before I saw a light.

It wasn't the bright light at the end of the tunnel, not even close. This light was golden a dim gold light that somehow called to me. Lifting my head, I walked towards it. The light wasn't really coming from anywhere but the closer I got it started to spread to everywhere.

When I got to the center of the golden light there was a chair no not a chair a throne. It was Gold with diamonds and fine jewels and this throne was absolutely stunning and in just called out to me.

So, I did what mad since, I sat in it and when I did that, I felt this surge of power flow through my body as my eyes twitched Sitting in that chair made me feel whole and before I knew it I was surrounded by white lights and beeping. My throne was gone and replaced with a hospital bed and the only thing that was still there was that feeling of power.

"Thank Goddess bay you're okay." Harrison said standing up holding Andreas. He went out to call a nurse or doctor.

Nobody had to tell me anymore I could feel it, my eyes were blue closing my eyes I felt them change back. Harrison came back in liking concerned and my baby was squirming and crying in his arms.

"Give me my baby." I said reaching out my arms. Nodding his head, he placed Andreas in my arms and I gave him a squeeze. Looking over I see that Harrison have bags under his eyes and look completely exhausted.

"You were out for three weeks. What happened out there after you left the hospital?" I just continue to rock my baby. I was out for three weeks, it surely didn't feel like it.

"Are you going to answer me Athena?" I wasn't interested in talking to him. I know that he wants to make things right but, a part of me was scared that I was going to get hurt like I have been so many times.

"Maybe we should take a break Harrison. I don't think I can do this anymore. At least right now?" I couldn't look at him but, in a way, I couldn't take my eyes off what we created. Looking over at him all I can see is the pain in his eyes and the unshed tears. This had hurt him and to hurt him hurt me. But then I thought about all the times he hurt me, and my feelings and he didn't seem bothered.

"I'm sorry that I hurt you Athena, I just want you to know that I wasn't myself. But if us not being together makes you happy than I will give you your space." He whispered. His eyes weld with tears and it took everything in me not to wipe them away.

"I will be staying in the pack house for now since I lost my place in LA and Hera moved with Stephan, Andreas can live with both of us back and forth. His birthday is in what two months and we can give a pack party if you would like." He didn't say anything just nodded his head looking at his lap.

"" I'll go get the doctor and give you some time." He said walking out of the hospital room. I wanted to tell him I didn't mean it but I did and I need time. Andreas was looking at me with those eyes and I knew that maybe I was being selfish but I needed this time. 

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