First date pt 2

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Chapter 3 Harrison POV

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled My Luna close to me, "I'm sorry that I wasn't honest with you." She was confused I could see it in her eyes. Grabbing her hand, I pulled her to my car opening the door for her and getting in after her. "Do you want to talk somewhere quiet?" I asked looking at me she nodded her head she looked out of the window wrapping her arms around herself. After driving for about 45 minutes I pulled up to a wolf owned restaurant. The owner was a part of my pack, so I mind linked her and told her to get everyone out.

As we sat at a booth her eyes looked me over before she started questioning me. "I have three questions okay. What are you? Why am I yours? And what is an Alpha and Luna?" Smiling I grab her hands in mine.

"I am a werewolf, the alpha so to speak which is the leader of the pack and you are my Luna, my mate, mine." The end came out as a growl as I held her hands tighter, "You are my other half my equal, my mate." She didn't know what to say her eyes were locked to the table as she refused to make eye contact with me. "Why me? I mean we are completely different." She sounded almost disappointed causing Emmanuel to whimper. "I mean, I'm sure you have girls throwing themselves at you so why didn't you just... ya know, choose them." Lacing our fingers, I pull her closer. Growling I get up and sit next to her and pulled her towards me wrapping my arms around her lightly growling.

"I will always belong to you okay." I whispered in her ear as Mama V the owner of the small restaurant came out and sat our food in front of us along with two chocolate shakes. Looking at the shakes she smile at me, "You remember?" She whisper referring to the second time that we ever spoke, and she couldn't stop talking about how much she look chocolate ice cream and shakes. "Of course, I do, I hold onto everything that you say." I whisper into her ear grabbing a fry off the tray holding it to her mouth. Emmanuel feeling the need to take care of my mate hoping that she will let me. Smiling she open her mouth and let me feed her and she fed me. The mate bond was growing stronger now that she was accepting me as hers.

After we ate, I was ready to get up, but her arms were wrapped around my midsection as her head laid on my shoulder. "Mate loves us." Emmanuel purred in my mead as I kissed her forehead. "Is that why I feel this connection between us?" She whispered into my chest. Smiling I ask, "How is that baby?" I felt her head move deeper into my chest, "I really like being close to you, and whenever I see you or hear your voice it makes my heart beat out of my chest." I was not expecting her to be that honest and hearing that made a smile take over my face. "Yes, is that a problem?" I ask causing her to shake her head no.

Our date went really well, looking out the corner of my eye I saw her watching me as I drove her home glancing out the window every now and then. "Why are going this way?" She asked as her eyebrow scrunched up in confusion. "I want to be with you a little longer." I whispered grabbing her hand continuing the drive to her place. "Do you remember how I told you about how I am the Alpha and you are the Luna of my pack?" Smiling she nod her head direction her attention to me.

Pulling over into a parking lot I look over at her, "That means that you will have to move in with me babe." She freezes slightly and her breath stop as her heart starts to beat rapidly, "What why?" She ask franticly.

Grabbing her hand, I give it a squeeze calming her down a little, "Babe it is not normal for my wolf to be far from you for so long and our pack needs you."

She looked shocked, "Our pack, I'm not like you Harrison!" She half yelled half whispered. Her eyes started to well up with tears as her hands started to shake.

"Babe please stop, okay. I don't want to make you do anything that you don't feel comfortable doing okay. It would just make me happy to be able to wake up and hear your voice. And my pack don't care if you are a wolf or not and if they have a problem with it, they don't belong in the pack because I would choose you over anything even if that meant leaving my pack to be with you." Her eyes started to water, and her lips began to wobble as sobs shook her body. Taking off my seat belt and scooting over to the middle seat and pulling her body into my embrace.

As I wrapped my arms around her, she buried her face in my chest, "I will still love you baby, even if you decide that you don't want to move with me. I'm not trying to force you to do anything that you don't want to do." I felt her nod her head as she wrapped her arms around me tighter.

"It's just that I don't want to make you feel like... I don't know." She whispered into my ear. Smiling I kiss the top of her head, "I'm just not as great as you think I am, it's just that I... you deserve everything and more and I don't think that I can give that to you." She whispered causing a loud growl to slip from my lips. Athena eyes snapped to mine as she jumped back from me with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry baby, but in my eyes nothing you do will ever be wrong, even if it is. The past few weeks that we have been talking I have fallen completely in love with you." After my rant I put my face in her neck taking in her scent. She laid her head on my shoulder and we laid there for a while. Sitting up she told me to take her home not even looking in my direction.

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