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y-you guys...

im so happy i stuttered through text :,)

im so happy i stuttered through text :,)

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this was the first story that I had with over 100 views, it was my first story that had over 500 views, 600, 700, 800, 900 and now...


And thank you all so much for that.

i know other people dont get the blessing that i have right now, and i'm so happy i have it.

so, once again, thank you so much.

and if you guys have the energy or time, i would actually love if you could check out this account, re1ncarnat10n

their stories are completely original, and quite the inspiration for me to work harder. so i think it would be wise to check her out.

but once again, thank you all so much for sticking around. 💜💜💜

also, i made something.

i regret it.

but uh

but uh

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that's my fren in the last one ;v;

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that's my fren in the last one ;v;

i PROBABLY wont be doing it again.

but on notice that i got 1.15k, um...

i also

embarked upon a treacherous

... q u e s t

but more on that later bcs its not ready yet-

for the nth time...

thank you :3

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