Dear diary
I wish my siblings and I could be as close as the North American siblings. That is one thing I envy Molossia about.

None of the nations say anything. They could only sit in confusion at the entry.

"Why is one of Seborga's entries in this if he's not here?" Veneziano wonders aloud. Anyone else about to ask the same question was interrupted by a note appearing on the table.

Under the table. Look. Now.

The nations push up the table cloth to look under the table and nearly gasp at the sight of the ones under the table.

"Sealand? Wy? Seborga? Kugelmugel? Landonia? Molossia? What are you all doing here?!" England exclaims.

"We came to try and become real nations!" Sealand proclaims immediately. He attempts to jump to his feet, only for Scotland to stop him to make sure he didn't hit his head on the table. The micronations get out from under the table to truly join the nations.

"What did we tell you about sneaking into the meetings?" New Zealand asks, gently scolding the micronations.

"Sorry." Wy frowns, looking towards the floor.

England sighs at the micronations' antics. "We'll talk about this later."

"Molossia, Wy, that includes you, too." America says, putting a hand on his hip.

Once it was made clear the micronations would receive a bit of a scolding, England continues on to the next entry.

"This is about America."

America's eyes aren't actually light blue. He uses magic to change the color of his eyes. His eyes are actually brown and fade into dark blue at the bottom of his irises.

Almost all of the nations in the room immediately turn to look at the, now flustered, American.

"Y'all don't need to look at me, y'know?" America says, blushing slightly.

"America, why would you hide the fact you have heterochromia? It's nothing to be ashamed of." Prussia asks.

"Yeah, that's actually really cool!" Sealand smiles.

"Well- I- Uh... To be honest, I don't have an excuse. I don't know why either, to be honest." He admits, avoiding making eye contact with the nations.

"Can we see America? If you're okay with that, that is." Finland asks.

"Um... Yeah. It's fine." America puts a hand up to his eyes before wiping his hand across them. He opens his eyes to show the dark brown into light blue irises.

The nations present can't help but stare at his eyes. Much less could they figure out why he would want to hide it from everyone.

"Your eyes look gorgeous, America!" Belgium and Hungary smile.

He only chuckles awkwardly, blushing slightly. "Thank you."

"Why are they like that though, Burger-Bastard?" Romano asks.

"It's due to the amount of racial diversity in my country. Canada and Brazil's countries are also super diverse, so their eyes are like that as well." America explains.

"Hey, what are you exposing us for?" Brazil questions, jokingly. America and Canada both laugh along with her.

"Well, anyways... This is just a general fact, it seems." England says.

There were forests in every country where you can find small clearings that connect to another country's clearing in their forest.

Several nations stare at the entry in awe.

"What happened to those forests?" Germany asks.

"They were all cut down." India says.

"They were referred to as many different things. My people referred to the one in my nation as 'Jingshensenlen', or 'Spirit Forest'. They were originally the number one way to talk with your 2p before mirrors became the main form of communication." China explains.

"So... They're not around anymore? Like, at all?" Poland asks.

"Correct." Mongolia answers.

Several of the nations look down in contemplation at the new information.


Gaul sighs nostalgically at the conversation. "I remember those forests very well. So many memories with Cauaria there. Shame they've all been cut down."

The other Ancients nod in agreement until light appears nearby. They look over to see Narcisco materialize nearby.

"Ah, Narcisco, what are you doing here?" Marcus asks.

"I wanted to check on how things were doing over here. Especially since Kamuima is still a bit pissed off at me at the moment." Narcisco explains, muttering the last half.

The other ancient nations look at him in confusion.

"Narcisco," Chikap begins, "What did you do?"


Warning- entries will start getting more angsty from here on out.

I'll be working on the HRE and Micronation sub-plots in the next chapters.

Anyway, have a good day/night, wash your hands, stay quarantined, yada yada, stay safe

Ja- German- Yes
Bruder- German- Brother
Chica- Spanish- Girl

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