Part 6

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It was monday and we had college to attend. I was only physically present in my classes. My mind was wandering around all the previous 3 days and how the things got in my favour , which is actually very rare.

Our lectures which got over by 12:30 , and dhruvs lectures were till 1:30 . so trisha and i waited for them . i told her about the emotional roller coaster i was riding and how it was messing with my head completely.

" as far as i know him, he would never even think of turning back. Like come on you guys are now well aquainted and have become such good friends. Why would he want to do that? And you keep telling me that you have spent half you your time staring at him but have you actually looked at the way he looks at you? The way that smile tugs at his lips when he looks at you? But whatever You need to be okay with both the cases, alright? If he wants to be friends with you which is a very high possibility, its awesome but if not , then think of all of this as a dream and forget about it. And dont think too much. Just enjoy the moment"

"Was i able to knock some sense into your pretty much empty head?" She asked me knocking the side of my face.

I nodded

Maybe she is right. I am just over thinking the stuff and making it difficult for my own self.

"Now come on i am hungry."


After arjun and dhruv were finished with their classes , the four of us were now heading to dhruvs house. For the mega showdown as he kept mentioning.

In the car , arjun occupied the back seat immediately and before i could get in , trisha snuck in giving me no option but to sit in the front seat.

Those sneaky bastards.

Dhruv's house was situated in one of the posh areas of the city of New delhi.His house was a big, white two storeyed house. Which had a park right on the other side of it. Upon entering the house, we were greeted by a very beautiful and polite woman who was as expected his mother.She was in a designer indian suit all dressed up looking like she was going somewhere.

Now i knew where he got his looks from. I wanted to congractulate her for such a handsome son but i thought better of it.

Dhruv introduced me and trisha to her. And upon hearing my name her eyes lit up and she had a silent eye conversation with dhruv.

You know the kind we have with our mothers when a guest is at home and she needs tell us something which cant be spoken infront of them. maybe Dhruv had already told her about this dare thing and she wanted to know who that joker girl is with whom her son is spending time with.

Arjun who had obviously met her before was comfortable with her.

"Woah gorgeous, going somewhere? I thought i would get my Favourite fruitcake today!" He was pouting

That earned him a slap at the back of his head but she laughed anyway.

"Its in the refrigerator. And yes i have to hurry up" she said picking up the car keys and her handbag and walking towards the exit.

"Have fun kids. And Dhruv all the snacks are in the kitchen. Serve it well okay?. Bye"

God i think this 'making-everyone-we-meet-our-fan' runs in the family.

His house gave a very homely feeling ,with all those framed photographs of his family, hung on the walls. And all those huge beautiful paintings in the hallway.

He led us upstairs to a room where a big 42" LCD hung proudly on the wall and only a few chairs and bean bags kept in front of it.

There were lots of shelves on the walls that had all his medals, trophies and movie collection and game cds nicely stacked . a big window was letting enough of light to enter so there was no need to turn the lights on.It was like an entertainment room where he said he "Only relaxed"

We had taken our seats on those bean bags. Dhruv sitting right beside me and arjun a little behind him . trisha was sitting beside arjun.

He connected the play station to the LCD and Handed me one controller taking the other.

"Guys wait ." trisha almost scared us

We gave her confusing looks when she said "what is the consequence of losing the bet?"

"Dont tell me you guys havent decided that!" Arjun chimed in rather shocked.

"What is it that the loser of this bet will have to do ?"

Dhruv and i looked at each other with wide eyes open and i am pretty sure my mouth was hanging open. We were so into this pretending thing that we forgot to even decide what will be the consequence.

"Not to worry..i have one in my mind." He said wiggeling his eyebrows.

"A kiss" he said doing the action with his hands.


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