Part 4

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We walked to the class together getting lots of hootings and cat calls when we entered the class, embarrasing both of us. But one thing that i liked was that other than the people who played the game the day before , nobody else was supposed to know about this dare. I was pretty skeptic about how will the things turn out if all of the students come to know about this but it was well handled and under control.

Trisha was already there in class chatting up with arjun. the moment she saw me , she rushed towards me nudgjng me to tell her all the details which i promised to give after the classes got over.

The time went by really fast and in the middle of the lecture i could feel his eyes on me. When i turned around and looked at him sitting in other row , he had his chin resting on his hands on the table, looking completely uninterested in whatever the teacher was teaching.

If i say he looked cute , well, that would be an understatement.

He had his next lecture in another class and so he left , not before telling me to meet up in front of our block after the first half.

i couldnt believe that i was actually going out with dhruv even if it was only a part of dare. Just the thought of it was giving me goosebumps.

The next lectures went by with me looking at the watch every two minutes waiting for the clock to struck two.

Afterall it was going to be my first date.

Or first fake date?!


After the lectures got over for the first half, i went out to wait where he had asked me, infront of our block. But he was already there chatting up with some friends. When he saw me approaching , his eyes held mine for what felt like an eternity. He walked towards me leaving his friends behind, smile plastered on our faces.

"So? You ready to go?" He asked in a soft tone to which i nodded.


The coffee shop he chose was very famous for its coffee and donuts .It was well known among the teenagers and most of them flocked to this coffee shop and sat there whole day in the aroma of coffee , doing their assignments or whatever they had.

I had heard alot about this shop but had never been there. As soon as we entered the strong smell of coffee hit me and i felt relaxed instantly.

Strong coffee was my weakness.

We settled down on one of the vacant corner booths and placed our orders.

While waiting for it we chatted up and tried to know each other better. He told me how he was addicted to coffee during school time and loved that addiction so much that he had almost made up his mind that if he dosent get selected in college, he was going to open up a coffee shop. And How he wished for the latter to come true.

"this is one addiction nobody regrets" i said

"True that" he said while inhaling the smell of coffee

We talked about our hobbies and sports and music and everyother thing that you would generally talk about with someone in the first meeting.

He liked sports and was a die hard fan of football.He had even won a state championship in school with his team.

I on the other hand had no relation with sports whatsoever. Our relationship was more like non existent.

He was more of a rap and little bit of pop where as i was more into pop and rock music and no rap.

Our tastes were a little different but not completely opposite. But that is what made us different and distinguished our identities in a beautiful way.

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