Part 3

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Our lunch was very awkward initially but thanks to trisha and arjun for cutting that awkwardness out from the air.

Arjun was actually a very nice guy, something which was hard to believe because of the rumours that had been going around about him being a womaniser.I learnt that he just went out on dates with different girls that too because it was most of the time girls approaching him and he dosent know or like to say no to them.I felt bad for him because his image for no reason was being crumbled.

But being used to all this by now as he said he "no longer cared about this fucking shite".

I was heading back to our room after trisha left, when Dhruv called my name. 

"Give me your phone" he said

"What? Why?'' I asked completely taken aback.

"I need to call your mother and tell her that now her daughter has a boyfriend" He said with a straight face.

I couldnt help but look at him like he had grown two heads.

He chuckled and held my hand and smoothly took the phone unfolding my fingers.It was easy for him because the moment his fingers touched mine, i lost all my senses and there was this current that i felt in that touch. His skin felt so soft on my hands. I was in trance , so beautiful that i did not want to come back from it. It was difficult for me to even stand properly.

He punched in something on my phone and returned it back to me. Probably his number.

I had never expected my phone to ever have his contact , that too fed by dhruv himself.

Indeed life has its own ways of surprising people.


When i reached my room , i plopped down on my bed and i realised that my cheeks were hurting from smiling so much.

I realised that i had not stopped smiling since lunch.

My cheeks were hurting but i just couldnt bring myself to stop smiling.

I closed my eyes and replayed the whole scene again and again till it was imprinted on my mind. It was when my phone buzzed that i opened my eyes.

I checked the notifications and saw a msg from " Dhruv" with red heart icons on either side.he had saved his number and gave a miscall to him while i was in the frenzie.

Good job there dhruv with hearts.

My heart accelerated on seeing his msg just like it always does when i see my food coming in the resturant.

"Hey babe .so tomorrow is going to the first day of our relationship. ;) Its a big day tomorrow! See you soon my dear."

My dear?

Well tomorrow is going to be a long day.


I woke up before my usual time and took more than required time in deciding what to wear for that is not everyday that you get a chance to be your crush's girlfriend.

I decided on blue skinny jeans and white top with brown slippers and completing the outfit with my brown, studded belt. I let my hair in high ponytail since i had still not gathered the confidence of letting my hair loose. Applied some mascara and lip balm and i was ready to go.

While i was waiting for trisha to come, i got a text from dhruv asking me to meet him outside the library before class.

I wanted trisha to be there by my side the whole time because i did not want to face him alone. So i asked her to be there with me but now that he had asked me to meet him up i had to rush alone.

I was counting the steps i was taking because i was scared as to what he has to say. Maybe he had changed his mind and finds this idea completely stupid and wants to cancel it all together.I had the same views but initiation from his side would be like a big blow to my confidence.

I saw him from distance leaning against a car with phone in his hand typing away something. As the distance closed i couldnt help but smile at how good looking he was. His dark mop of shiny hair were falling on his forehead complementing his black shirt and dark wash jeans. His forehead was scrunched up as he was concentrating on whatever he was doing on his phone.

when i reached closer to him and was standing just at an arms distance but he was so focused on his phone that he did not notice me.

I cleared my throat to get his attention and he whipped his head looking at me completely taken aback.

Suddenly there was a loud THUD  CRASH we both heard .

"Shit" he threw his head back cursing.

I realised he was playing a game .And i just couldnt help but chuckle at how disappointed he was because he lost a level in whatever game he was playing. 

He laughs and rubs the back of his neck.

Wait , is he nervous?

"Sorry" i murmured sheepishly

"Dont be" he said

I looked closely and recognised the game. It was one of my all time favourite games. The screen flashed in bold letters "LEVEL 12 FAILED"

" are on level 12 already? I cant seem to finish level 9 till now" i said amazed.

He looked amused but recovered almost immediately "yeah, that level is pretty tough"

And that is how we fell into a really comfortable and relaxed conversation about games and such random stuff.He was really surprised to know my penchant for mobile and ps games because he had never come across any girl showing interest in such things.

I was unnecessarily getting tensed about talking with came out all easy and natural. I did not have to try at all. He was easy to get along with and he was one of those who made you feel really comfortable like there are hardly any awkward moments and you feel like you have known them since ages. No doubt he was so popular among people. Everyone could feel comfy around him.

We were now walking while talking and there were still 10 minutes for our first lecture to start. He had the same class as mine but he seemed to be in no mood to attend the lecture.

"But why did you actually call me here? Was it something important or just like that?" I asked him suddenly realising the reason i was there.

"Umm...yeah...actually i..i.. was wondering if we could go ...for coffee today?" He asked rubbing his neck.

I was stupefied.

I was rendered speechless by this hella good looking guy standing at not even an arms distance from me.


"Only if you are okay with it. No forcing, only if you want to..we need to pretend like we are a couple and all so i thought lets give them a real show"

Yeah ofcourse, it was for that dare.

"Ok?" I said , nervous, unsure, excited all at the same time.

"Cool...lets leave after first half. shall we?" He confirmed .



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