Chapter 8

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When Green and Shadow return home, they are greeted with the rest of their family at the dinner table, plates being passed around.

"Welcome back you two." their father greeted them. "How was your day?"

As they seated themselves in their usual spots, they explained what happened at Hyrule Castle.

"How the hell are you and Shadow supposed to train someone?" Blue questioned the moment they were finished with their story.

"Well at least for Green, he'd do a better job than you could ever dream of." Vio countered before taking a bite of his food.

"What did you say?"

Quickly, their father shut down the argument threatening to rise. "Enough you two." He then turned his attention to Green. "Valenzuela does have a point. You'll never run our kingdom's army properly if you can't teach new recruits the skills they need. Not to mention, there's likely another reason why you two were recommended to become mentors."

"You think so?" Red asked curiously.

"With the way things are now, the best option is to have those two girls as close to Princess Zelda as possible." their dad said. "What better way than to have them under the guidance of some of her chosen knights? We have Ghost who claims to have information regarding the mercenaries and Wolf, someone found injured right around this problem was brought to our attention. It's not hard to believe Wolf also could've had a violent encounter with our targets."

"Unless these mercenaries have the ability to tame beasts, then I doubt Wolf has anything to do with this," Vio said.

"With the way they're randomly attacking innocent people, they might be beasts themselves," Blue added.

"Well we won't know until either Ghost shares what she knows or we find out something ourselves." their father said before looking over to Green and Shadow. "Make sure the two of you do well with your new apprentices."

"We'll do our best," Green promised.

Shadow kept his gaze on the food in front of him, waving his hand dismissively at the older knight. "Yeah yeah."


Wolf tilted her head curiously as she studied the daggers that Ghost had brought home. "So do you know what these things do yet?" she asked.

"Nope." Ghost replied. "Guess I'll find out when I actually use them."

She still couldn't wrap her head around why the daggers were clear. The fact that they looked like they were made of glass but in her hand, they had the feel of any normal dagger that would be made of iron or steel. "These are the weirdest daggers I've ever seen."

Wolf nodded, then looked out the window to see the night sky. A reminder of how late it was getting. "Well, we should take Green up on his advice and try to get some sleep. Who knows what we're going to be doing tomorrow."

"Speaking of tomorrow, are you sure you're gonna be okay?" Ghost asked. "I mean it wasn't that long ago that you got the bandages and stitches out."

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine. Only a little sore but I'm sure that will be gone in no time."

"If you say so." Ghost starts to head to the room that she chose. "Well... good luck to the both of us tomorrow. Not sure if we'll need it or not, but luck is nice to have. Night Wolf."

"Good night."

Ghost sandwiched herself between the blankets on the floor and closed her eyes, hoping that she would be able to fall asleep quickly. Eventually, she randomly opens her eyes but instead of being greeted with an empty bedroom, she finds herself in a prison cell. She looked down at her wrists to see that they were tied in chains.

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