Chapter 7

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Though Wolf and Ghost were glad that their requests were accepted, they expected a little bit of debate or the princess asking for some time to think about what they asked. If there was going to be any immediate answer, they expected no. But here they were, now given permission to do what they wanted.

Still, Wolf felt the need to ask. Just to make sure she was hearing everything right. "Really? This is okay with you?"

"Of course," Zelda said with a smile. "We'll need as much information as we can get regarding these mercenaries. If all Ghost wants in exchange for that is a mentor to teach her sorcery then I'll be more than happy to provide her with that. And for you, Wolf, Hyrule is always accepting new additions to our army. The only question that remains is who would be suitable mentors for you both."

It was then that a knight stepped into the throne room. Green recognized him immediately.

"Valenzuela. I thought you were out on patrol," he said.

"I was just on my way out until I overheard this conversation," Valenzuela explained before turning to Zelda and bowed his head. "May I give my thoughts on the matter, princess?"

"Yes, you are free to speak."

"For young Wolf who wishes to become a knight, I'd suggest Green Link oversees her training." the knight said. "And as for young Ghost, have her do her studies under Shadow Link."

"While I can kind of understand why you would suggest Green as a mentor, I don't see how Shadow would be able to teach someone magic," Vio said. "That could end up in a disaster quickly."

"He's the strongest mage Hyrule has to offer." Valenzuela reasoned. "And with the threat of these mercenaries, not many are going to reveal they're capable of magic. He may very well be Ghost's only option for a mentor at this time."

Suddenly Shadow appeared in the middle of the group. How he got there without anyone noticing or even opening the door was a mystery to Wolf and Ghost. But everyone else around them seemed unfazed by his sudden appearance.

"Right on time Shadow. Our friend here is looking for someone to teach her magic." Zelda explained as she gestured to Ghost. "Will you apprentice her?"

Shadow looked over at the blonde girl. "This one? Sure why not?"

Vio sighed and shook his head. "Do you even know what you're signing yourself up for?" he questioned.

"I'm sure it won't be too hard compared to what we've been through."

Seeing that one apprenticeship was already set in stone, Valenzuela looked over to Wolf and Green. "And as for those two... well all the boys are going to be running the royal army one of these days. That role will include overseeing the training of new recruits. This will be the perfect starting point for Green."

Green seemed to consider the possibility before speaking. "Well, if Wolf is fine with it then I won't object."

Wolf soon found herself facing the knight. Emerald eyes staring into hers.

"What do you say Wolf?" he asked. "Do you want to become my apprentice?"

If Wolf was being honest with herself, this was probably the best outcome that could've come up from this. She already knew and somewhat befriended Green and his brothers. Having a mentor that she was familiar with would likely make learning a bit easier. Wolf nodded.

"Then it's settled. From this day forth, Green and Shadow will be mentors to Wolf and Ghost." Zelda announced. "I'll let you spend the rest of the day gathering everything you need."

Red couldn't help but giggle at the situation his two brothers now found themselves in. "Wait until Blue hears about this."

"Well, filling him in will just have to wait a bit," Green said before returning his attention to his new apprentice. "Let's start out by finding a sword that'll suit you."

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