oh. my. lord

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The minute the door is opened the room goes quiet, everyone turning to look at the door. Or more precisely,me.

My eyes sweep over the table,picking up the unfamiliar faces here. The first belongs to a male who's black hair is tied back in a high ponytail,his grey eyes meeting mine. He has a white scarf draped over his blue and white striped t-shirt. He has shades on,and bracelets on both wrists. What fascinates me is his elf ears. He smiles at me before looking down at his plate,looking almost sulky. Maybe he wants to feed upon me. The second male has black hair also,in a low ponytail. He has a black top hat sat upon his head,the ribbon white and tied in a bow,a blue feather sticking out. His attire looks rather outdated,consisting of a grey coat,faded blue waistcoat and light blue shirt,his black tie holding his collar together just under his black choker. He has a gold monocle over his right eye. His glare is intense as he looks me up and down,before rolling his sleeves up again,his gloves black leather. He tuts,looking away angrily. Another one to avoid. Unknown male three looks down the minute I meet his red and black eyes,his black eye surrounded by scarred looking skin. His black hair goes down to his shoulder blades,a black beanie decorated with a red bow upon his head. His red fur lined jumper is done up by the top button only,his black shirt a stark contrast to white diamond on his necklace. The last male is by far the smallest here,his black hair tied in two ponytails,his eyes red behind his black frame glasses. His scarf is a lighter grey than his coat,his T-Shirt black. He has a necklace on decorated by a chocolate charm. He waves cheerfully,his sleeves too big for him.

I wave back at him shyly,glad to see another friendly face here. Star waves from where he's sat,gesturing to the seat between him and karma. I come over thankfully,sliding into the seat between them. Star smiles gently at me. "Morning dear" Karma chuckles. "Apparently you had a little... wander  yesterday my little lamb" I give karma a look but smile at star. "Morning. And yes I did but it wasn't my fault" Karma just giggles,star ruffling my hair in a way that feels affectionate. "Luckily your unharmed and alive though,hmm?" He smiles,his gaze still warm. "How's that handbook coming along?" I look at him. "Okay but how do you and Ivan know about it?" It's a subject of pure curiosity. Karma grins. "It's why the book was there ya know?" Star chuckles. "Because I myself struggle sometimes to keep track of these loveable fools and I've been around them for years" lovable hmm? Can't exactly fit that definition to Ryder or mr Victorian. But still.

I bring the book out my pocket and open it to inhabitants page,moving it towards him. He nods gently. "almost all of them I see" karma giggles. "My my, you must of been lost a while lamby" Star chuckles,taking a pen from his pocket. He points to Mr Victorian. "His name is Carlisle. He's the second eldest here" the minute his name is said, Carlisle looks over,before looking away,seemingly deeming me unworthy of an introduction. Star jotts his name down,before pointing at elf boy,who's complaining currently. "Him? He's Judas. He's usually in his room,playing video games" Star seems amused as Judas whines. "See! I've been introduced so i can go now!" Carter,who's sat beside him,looks like he's just about had it. Next star points at the shy male,who doesn't notice. "That's Sirius. He's relatively shy but a good friend" he writes one more name in the book. *Ben* I look over at the small male. "I'm assuming that's Ben then?" Star nods,chuckling as he hands me the book back. "He's the youngest here. But he's still way way older than you" karma chuckles. "I'm not technically part of the family but since Star is pretty much my master,we just act like I am." I look at karma in intrest. "I've been wondering,is your name literally just Karma? Or do you have a second name too?" Karma says nothing,his chaotic smile slipping slightly for a few minutes. "let's not..talk about that" i nod quietly,looking down nervously. Well,looks like I still haven't learnt to keep my mouth shut.

There's a sudden loud of whooping from further down the table,so naturally I avert my eyes down there to see what the fuss is about. Archers sat there,currently deepthroating a sausage,Spade,Nate,Jayden and Steph cheering him on. Aron looks disgusted,looking down quietly. Carlisle huffs from my other side. "Archer!! You do this every bloody morning!! Can you not!?" Archer locks eyes with Carlisle,taking the sausage out his throat and smirking. "why? Does it turn you on,big boy?" Is he...flirting with his own brother? Carlisle seemingly slams his hands down on the table,Sirius starting to cry,ducking under the table as archer pales,getting up slowly and running out the room at an inhuman speed,not too soon for Carlisle chases after him with a ...steel topped cane in hand. As much as I dislike Archer,I hope for his sake he doesn't get hit. That would hurt. Star chuckles gently. "Even now he hasn't grown tired of it" he takes a tray of strawberries,offering it to me. "Take what you like. There's more than enough for everyone and anything that's left carter will eat. Despite his serious look,he can eat more than his weight in food" this strikes me as a bit of surprise but I nod quietly,taking a strawberry with small giggle. "Thanks Star" Star grins happily,helping himself as well. I let my eyes surf over the wide range of food on display,hovering on some pancakes. "Would I be able to have a few pancakes?" Star chuckles. "I did say help yourself. How many do you want" he leans over the table,hovering a fork by them. "Uhm..." I take a moment to think. "Just two for me thanks" he nods,chuckling as he pierces the fork through them,taking my plate and slipping them onto it. "any topping?" I look at the chocolate sauce. I suppose I can treat myself. "Is the.. chocolate sauce an option?" With a grin, Star puts a more than generous helping of chocolate sauce over my pancakes,setting the plate back down in front of me. "And breakfast is served" karma giggles,grabbing himself a pancake and starting to eat it in a way that soon leaves him with a facemask looking beverage. "See? Mr smiley likes you too" I smile gently,already feeling at home in this strange environment,with these almost strangers.

(Old)two for the price of one (Star And Karma X reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin