what do you mean "nineteen?"

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.... nineteen other brothers. I look at him in disbelief. "That....that's not possible, surely" he nods gently. "trust me,when you live for more than a century,it really is" my eyes widen more. "you lot can live how long!?" He shrugs. "I don't know really but I can safely say I'm not eighteen. I'm more around.." he clicks his tounge thoughtfully. "Around one hundred and eighty something years old" I just look at him in shock. "B-but you
....you look not a day older then eighteen!!" He nods gently, chuckling. "The magic of being a supernatural being really" I just breath,looking down. He's fucking old alright. Then there's poor little eighteen year old human me,stuck in a house full of hopefully nice vampires. 

Hearing the sound of a door handle being turned, I jump,and hurriedly try to burrow into the sofa,looking over at this second door as another tall male comes in. The first thing that catches my attention is the stark black rams horns curling by his pale ears,amidst his shoulder length black hair. He's clad in a white shirt,with a thigh length black blazer,black tie and dark faded jeans. He stops and surveys my face with his dark red eyes,the scar over his nose noticeable from afar,before removing the black top hat from his head and bowing to me,using his steel raven headed cane to keep himself steady. "Well hello m'lady" I look at Star for confirmation,as he nods gently. "U-uhm...hey?" The demon male straightens up with a chuckle. "I'm glad to see your awake. I'm Lorenzo,the eldest here" he strides over with elegance,sitting on an armchair and crossing his legs carefully,steepling his fingers. "would I be able to ask some questions?" I nod quietly,Star giving Lorenzo a look as he gets up. "Try not to upset her. There's a lot going on for her right now" Star looks back at me as I startle. "Once you two are done,Lorenzo will know where I am" he gives me what I can only assume to be a signature gentle smile before he just. Dissapears.

I sniff quietly in fear,looking over at Lorenzo. His eyes have a look of ancient wisdom,and a slight warmth and sympathy,unlike Star's gentle gaze. He nods carefully. "Indeed I will. " I point to where Star had been a minute before questioningly,as he chuckles. "Being part vampire generally allows us to teleport around. There are some cases where hybrids are unable to teleport but not in this house" I nod carefully,only feeling more intimidated as i pull the blanket over my shoulders,looking back at him. Lorenzo pulls a notebook out of his jacket,grabbing a pen from the table and looking at me. "Name, please?" I sigh,looking up at the ceiling. "..(y/n)" I can hear him writing. "(Y/n),what exactly is going on back at your old house?"

After what I can only assume was hours of questioning,I find myself in a large room. "I..." This looks bigger than the living room back at home. And it's all mine. I go to the window and move aside the heavy velvet curtains,looking out at the forest surrounding the house. I've never seen this place before. Star chuckles. "Take as much time as you need to explore. I'll go now so you don't have to worry about embarrassing yourself,hmm?" The door shuts,taking the sound of his gentle giggles as he leaves me in the massive hunk of a room. Filled with childishness,I look at the four postered king size bed,getting into a position and pouncing on it, immediately sinking deep into bliss. The bed is soft,the duvet silken and cooling,only making me realize I'm somewhat warm. All of this,for an intruder like me. It's like it was almost ready for me. Catching sight of the large mahogany wardrobe,I jump out of the bed and over to it, throwing the door open to reveal row upon row of female clothes,all roughly my size. "... how?" This is all a dream,it just has to be.

"Tsch" I jump,turning around quickly at the sound of a harsh tut,coming eye to eye with another male. His hair is half black and half white,the black half cut short at the front to cover his left eye,the two parts joined in a low plait that trails down his back. His exposed eye is a harsh glowing red behind his black shades. He growls at me as he slams the wardrobe doors shut,pining me to them,bent over,nose touching the tip of mine. "A human. Here. Tsch,what fool thought bringing you here would end well?!" His eyes flash in anger,his own black ram horns similar to Lorenzo's. I hold my breath,afraid of saying anything to this obviously hostile demon. He growls more,as I look away,catching sight of the spiked wristband over his black silk gloves. He has a few rips in his skinny denim jeans,a black blazer tied round his waist,whilst wearing a black jumper over a white shirt,both sets of sleeves rolled up,his choker baring a pentagram charm,the cross on his necklace upside down. If that doesn't scream danger,then his buckled shin high boots and piercings do.

His small,sharp edged wings flap furiously as I keep staying quiet. With an infuriated roar,he punches the door behind my head. "I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION!!"

(Old)two for the price of one (Star And Karma X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें