15.Nervous Khushi

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Aman was driving to AR after attending a lunch meeting with AR clients. He had turned on the music player which playing old Hindi songs for which he is a big admirer. Suddenly out of nowhere a girl jumped in front of his car instantly he applied the brake to prevent the car from hitting the girl. Anger raised in his system due to the girl who was kneeling down in front of his car after causing a minor heart stock to him. He jumped out of the car with a determination to give her traffic classes but his anger turned into surprise when he gazed at the girl. She was wearing a blue colour half saree.

She is wearing a half saree in NY means a traditional girl but she doesn't have the common sense to not to jump in front of a running car......thought aman.

His thoughts were distributed by the girl's voice who was busy talking to the dog.

"Are you alright Mr.Tom?" asked the girl.

The dog barked in reply.

"You're becoming naughty day by day how can you run on roads?" asked the girl.

Aman got irritated by her talks.

"Hey, girl chit chat with your dog at your house, " said aman.

The girl stood in front of him with an angry expression one hand on her waist and another one carrying her pet.

"How dare you to call Mr.tom a dog?" asked the girl.

"One can address a dog as a dog only not as an elephant and who names their pet dog as Tom and that too Mr.tom?" came a sarcastic reply from aman.

"It is my dog and my wish and you should watch before driving Mr.Tom could have died If I was late," said the girl.

"Ya right but before that control, your dog" said aman stepped into his car and drove towards his destination.

"Why god?  Why I came across a stupid stranger who can't drive properly early in the morning? I know I am late for our meeting but you could have adjusted this time but no you want to punish me and as a punishment, you made this stupid stranger mock me, not at all fine god I am hurt because of you" said that girl pouting.

Her dog barked indicating the mistake she made.

"Ok, It is not morning but for me, it is as a late riser" saying the girl walked to where she came.


Arnav observed his friend's irritating behaviour which is unusual and was excited to know the reason which caused his friend to yell at the employee which is usually his duty.

"What caused you to yell at employees and got irritated?" asked arnav.

"Don't ask Arnav but still I will tell.
Today I meet a stupid girl.....he explained his meeting with her......If I was late for a few seconds to apply the brakes then at present you will be meeting me in the police station and the most irritating is she named her dog as Mr.Tom who includes Mr in dogs name?" asked aman.

Arnav laughed at his question "I think she is an animal lover" replied arnav.

"Whatever, leave it and when are Khushi's classes going to start?" asked aman.

"After fifteen days" replied arnav.

"Ok, " came his reply.


Fifteen days later.

Khushi opened the door for arnav.

"How is your day arnavji?" asked Khushi.

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