24. Ratna In New York

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"Here comes my unwanted daughter-in-law." Khushi could hear the disdain in her voice.

Unknowingly, her memory lane took her to the day they threw her out of the house, and a cold sweat broke on her forehead. She got rooted in her place. Her mind was conflicted.

She wanted to run away, but at the same time, she wanted to confront her fears and overcome them.

Khushi, have faith in Devi Maiya, and be courageous. If you appear frightened to them, they will try to scare you more. So, don't let them succeed... Khushi's mind gave a Ted talk to shoot up her lost confidence.

Taking a deep breath, masking the fear in her eyes, she glanced at Ratna with newfound confidence.

"I may be your unwanted daughter-in-law, but I am not your son's unwanted wife," she retaliated, and Ratna's grip on her mobile tightened. She stared at her in an attempt to decipher her words.

Is she the same person she saw three months ago?

She barely said two sentences to her, but today she was arguing back with her. She got confidence from Arshad and Arnav.

I will make sure to turn them against you, girl... Mused Ratna.

"Mom." They heard Anjali's voice.

Anjali glared at Khushi and sat beside Ratna. She whispered something in Ratna's ear, and an evil smirk formed on her face.

Khushi turned to go to her room, not wanting to breathe in the same air as them, but stopped in her tracks, hearing Ratna's voice.

"If you are my son's wanted wife, then let us taste tea made by you."

Khushi stared at her, trying to see through her words but failing; she nodded and walked to the kitchen. She is a person who respects the elder's words, and Ratna is Arnav's mother.

In fifteen minutes, she was back with two cups of tea. Ratna and Anjali sipped the tea and grimaced. Khushi frowned. She tasted the tea, and it was perfect.

"Mom, Sheetal makes fine and delicious tea compared to this one," Anjali said the last words, eyeing Khushi.

"Yes, do you remember the day we went to Gupta's house? She made a pleasant tea, and that taste still lingers on my tongue." Ratna closed her eyes in an attempt to remember the taste.

Khushi gazed at her in disbelief. "Girl, why are you staring at Mom?" Anjali raised her brows.

Khushi tried to attain a poker face. "I was the one who prepared the tea, and Sheetal Di served it." A chuckle escaped from her throat.

Ratna and Anjali glared at her. "Aunty, I will get washed and make dinner." She walked away without looking back.

Sprinting into her room, she leaned over the closed door and took a few deep breaths.

It is exhausting. Khushi muttered.

In this cruel world, there exist a few scared and introverted humans.
They want to live a peaceful life.
They don't want to face their tormentors, but life throws them in front of the same tormentors, and they are forced to become strong.

To be precise, they are forced to act bravely.

The same was happening with Khushi. She was a person comfortable in her zone and with the people in her zone, but life was never in her favour, and she learned to live in this cruel world.

But it was exhausting. No matter how many times she faces them.

Her eyes fell on Arnav's picture. If he was the reward for enduring and facing her tormentors, then she would do it a million times.

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