A Bullet is the Key

Start from the beginning

Opening the door only an inch I reached my hand out with the razor in it and handed it to him. He broke out in a deep laugh as he grabbed the razor and headed out of the room leaving me to shut the door and get back to dressing up. Once back to the counter I saw a radio sitting there and switched it on old classic tones played from the speakers and I just shook my head at the choice of music that Ryder would listen to off and on. Dumping out my make up bag I began to decide what to wear with my dress, since it is pink I want to do something light and simple plus I never really wear that much makeup to begin with.

Finally I decided on pale pink eye shadow along with silver glitter to go over top to add some sparkle before I paired it with like pink lipstick as well as blush. Slowly I began to do my eyes, the sparkles flashing with the light as I blinked. Everything else just went on simple and light. With my hair and makeup done, I let the towel fall and began to pull on the soft satin dress. I was wrapped in soft pinkness, the straps hung off my shoulders as it dipped down into a sweet heart shaped neckline. A strand of thin silver beads wrapped around the bust area holding it close to your body before it flared out into a pink waterfall, stopping at my knees. With each movement it twirled and moved with grace. Done with the bathroom I stepped from the bathroom and into the bed room to find a pair of shoes to wear with the dress. Bending down I began to dig through bags once more before I decided to keep it simple and comfy with a pair of silver flats.

"Wow!" A voice said from behind me I hadn't realized the bedroom door had opened and Ryder came in. Still bending down with my shoes in hand I looked over my shoulder and my breath caught in my throat at the sight before me. Ryder looked as handsome as ever; dressed in dark jeans that almost looked black, dress shoes and then he had a dark navy blue button up shirt on with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The dark blue of his shirt brought out the deeper darker blue of his eyes, eyes that sparkled as bright as his smile. In a few long strides he was over to me and grabbing my upper arm softly to help me to my feet, instead of sitting down on the bed to put my shoes on I just leaned on him for support while I slipped them on. Letting go of his arm I turned around in his arms since he never one let me go while I was putting my shoes on.

"As beautiful as always, I am speechless" He gazed at me from above me, hmm maybe I should wear heels then I’ll be a little taller but then I thought differently and stuck with my flats.

"You don't look to bad yourself handsome" I smiled up at him a smile as big as the moon. There was still a little pain in my side but it was bearable and I could go through this date without it hurting to much. His hand moved slowly down from my upper arm down to my hand where he intertwined our fingers together before he pulled me along after him. Before we left the room I managed to snag my purse by the door and we made our way down the stairs and into the garage where Ryder's car sat, a white two door camera sat before us.

I just shook my head at him because this boy loved the adrenaline and speed. With our hands still intertwined he walked me to the passenger side and opened it for me so I could climb in, shutting it softly behind me he made his way towards his door. Once in he opened the garage behind us and made his way out of the garage and onto the street, the door shutting as we made our way somewhere. Once on the street he grabbed my hand in his once more and gave it a tight squeeze looking at him he gave me a heart jerking smile and turned his attention back to the street before us. It was silent in the car and I did not mind, it was refreshing and calm as well as comfortable.

The car speed somewhere into the night, minutes flashed by like lightning as we drove down the lamp lit streets. Our hands rested together on the gear shifter between us, not once did he let my hand go as we continued our journey. Houses went by illuminated by house lights as families gathered for dinner, a house I wish I was part of. My family dinners weren’t the same; dinner mainly consisted of Benny and I eating alone before our parents got home from their long day at work. Benny and I were close even though we have such a large age gap my little brother looked up to me with love and admiration. Since my mother’s death years ago my father isn’t the same, our relationship has changed drastically. Two years after the passing of my mom he remarried, a secret he didn’t want everyone to know, it was confusing to understand because everyone knew my parents were married before they had me. So it was weird when my dad would say that Jane was my real mother when she really wasn’t, I guess he just wanted those who were new to town to not know he was married before. Don’t get me wrong my father loved my mother but I guess for publicity it was better to say he has been married a certain amount of years then say that his first wife died. Most nights I stayed home alone because I was ‘to busy’ to go out. That I had to play the perfect daughter, perfect obedient daughter, perfect role model for everyone and really be a trophy of excellence that hung on my father’s wall. At twenty-two I was to be my father’s prime example of great parenting, mannerism, and strength and with a future that earned me a lot. I was never allowed to say no, it wasn’t a word in my father’s dictionary not after my mom passed. The word home didn’t fit well with the house I lived in, it wasn’t a home it was a prison. Yes, I could find a place of my own but you see my father controlled that as well, I was never allowed to venture further than my block I was sheltered in a life that wasn’t mine. 

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