Chapter 15: Thelmova

Start from the beginning

After spending enough time going around the city, he finally decided to head out to the dockyard to meet with Dock Master John at pier 4 for one of his quests.

The dockyard was even more loud and exciting. People were yelling in top of their voices, shouting loudly and yelling some more. Stuff was moving around everywhere every second. The streets were full of horse carts carrying the stuff unloaded, big boxes stacked on top of each other at the side of the dockyard towards the street. Cranes moving loaded boxes, materials even animals and livestock. And so many people moving around doing stuff.

Raka had to be careful as he walked, not to get in the way of all the things happening around. Also he did not want to be crushed by all the stuff happening around.

He looked around for some signs but there seemed to be none. He asked for pier 4 from one of the men shouting instructions loudly to one of the crane operators. He was pointed to a small building. Raka headed there and knocked. Maybe it was too noisy around but his knock did not seem to have an effect. He simply pushed the door and it opened. It was a small office with a chair and desk with lots of papers on it. Some chairs were also placed on the side by the window. No one was in the office right now. 'Should I wait?' thinking he went inside and sat on a chair on the side.

The chair was on the side of the window with a good view of the dockside. He watched the happenings as he waited for whoever worked in the office to come back. A couple of hours later, the door was flung open and a big, bald, burly man came in all smelly and drenched from the waist down. He wiped his hands and face with the cloth hanging on the side of the door and wiped his boots on the mat. Then he started opening his pants.

Raka coughed to let him know he was there. The man looked at him,

"Wait a minute!" and resumed what he was doing. Thankfully it did not turn out that he took down his pants. It was more of a cover worn on top of it which was probably to keep the water out. He spread the pant cover thingy on a hook at the wall and went to sit behind the desk.

"So what's your business?"

"Um...I am Raka and I was asked to meet with dock master John by Lady Altia."

"Oh I'm John. So you know Altia do you...Lady Altia she is now but always a brat to me."

Raka thought John did not look that old to call Lady Altia a brat. But then Lady Altia was quite young as well.

"So how do you know Altia?"

"Um...she's my teacher. From Battle school."

"Really! So she got herself a student did she?! Hmmm how soon kids grow up! One day you are training with your first wooden sword, then next you have your own student."

Raka listened quietly to his reminiscing.

"So what weapon did you learn from her? Not the sword, I think."

"No sir, I was taught the staff."

"No sirs here lad. Only get to be called a Sir or Lady when you get knighted. Call me by my name!"

"Yes, John!"

"So nice to have met you Raka."

% Quest "Meet with Dock Master John at Pier 4" complete. %

"So when did you arrive in the city?" asked John.

"A few days ago. I was just going around the city looking at stuff."

"Oh! so you got any plans?"

"Not really...I will just see what I can do around here, you know maybe learn something or get a job to make some extra money" Raka replied hoping that the increased intimacy with John might lead to one of these.

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