Chapter 15 That is All Folks...

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        Adrien and Marinette saw Luka enter the classroom a few days later. They noticed Chole did not follow him.  They could not help, but wonder what had become of her.  It was long before they found out.

     "Class, Chole Bougerious will not be joining us from here on out,"  Miss Bustier announces.

"What?  This has to be a mistake," Sabrina protests.

  "Chole is not coming back, but why?"  Luka asks. He looks upset at the news.

    "Her parents are splitting up and she is to stay with her mother in New York,"  Miss Bustier explains.

    Luka sighs and has a far off look in his eyes. The rest of the class can not help, but feel sorry for him.  Even though he has not always been the easiest person to get along with no one thought there would come a day that Lukaloe would be apart ever.

    Later after school, Luka speaks to Marinette and Adrien privately. 

    "Look, I am sorry about how I treated you.  It was wrong and I know that now. It was never a good idea from the beginning," Luka says.

    "Why did you do it then?" Marinette asks.

    "Yes, why did you?" Adrien asks.

   "Chloe told me I had to do as she said or she would tell everyone about the humiliating day that we met,"  Luka tells them.

     "I suppose I might as well tell you now since she is never coming back anyway," Luka says sadly.

    "Oh, that is not necessary," Adrien remarks.

     "Yes, what he said," Marinette agrees with Adrien.

     "I insist, you see on the first day of school a few years ago, Chloe saw me with my hand stuck in the sidewalk.  A pencil of mine had fallen in it, so I tried to grab it, but got stuck.  She helped me, told me I was to be her boyfriend, to do as she said,  and not to tell anyone.  At first, I did what she said out of fear she would do as she said and that I would be humiliated by the whole school, then later I did it because I begin to like her," Luka states.

   "I know it probably makes no sense to you for me to like someone as cruel as her, but I did.  No, I still do care for her, and from here on out plan to be nicer to people. I know it will make up for what I did.  I miss her something awful," Luka says.

     "Man, I wish there was something we could do to help," Marinette says.

     "Me too, man, " Adrien says.

      From that day on Luka, Marinette and Adrien were great friends. True to his word, Luka was not mean to anyone ever again. Sabrina begins to notice the change in him and became nicer as well. 

     As for Chole, she was miserable with her mother in New York. She did not like being so far away from her old school, home, her father, or her friends.  She especially missed her boyfriend, Luka. She did not get to explain anything to him.  She was still sore at her mother for this. It was all her fault.  She felt as if it were her mother to blame for her parent's separation and later there divorce. 

       A few years later, Luka sat in the park deep in thought, Marinette and Adrien decide it is best to leave him alone since when they tried to speak to him he said he was still upset that he had not heard from Chole yet.  He doubted she was even thinking about him which hurt him the most and he begins to wonder how he could move on from her, or if he ever would be able to do so.

   Adrien and Marinette walk off hand in hand feeling genuinely sorry for the bully now turned friend.  "It is to bad, she will not at least text him or something," Marinette states.

     "I know, Marinette, but that is not our business," Adrien reminds her.

     Adrien and Marinette hug and kiss each other.  

       *The author debates on rather she should end it here...

    **On second thought the author decides to add a few more words to clear things up a bit.

        Luka, as everyone knows, was on the park bench. He was feeling sorry for himself, and he was about to delete some old photos from his phone.  Someone came up to him and said, "Wait, stop, please do not delete them!"

       Luka looks up to see who spoke and his jaw drops. He can not believe it. It is her, it is really her!

    "C-Chole, is that you?"  Luka asks.

     "Yes, course it is me, Luka," Chloe says.  She smiles at him glad to see he has not forgotten her completely after all this time. She hugs him, then kisses his cheek. She laughs a little as he blushes.

     "Chole, since your back in town, what does this mean exactly?"  Luka asks her.

      "I  am sure I have no idea what you mean,"  Chole says.

      "I  am friends with Adrien and Marinette now," Luka explains.

      "Wow, that is cool, and I am good with it," Chole remarks.

      "You are?"  Luka asks.

    "Sure thing, because while I was away I begin to realize how wrong I was to have ridiculed them and to drag you down with me,"  Chloe responds.

      "Oh, does this mean this is the end for us?"  Luka asks sadly. He looks like he might even cry.

      "It does not have to be unless you want it too," Chole answers.

      "In that case, can we still be boyfriend and girlfriend?"  Luka asks.

     "Yes, I would like that very much," Chole remarks.

     "Great, so would I," Luka says.

        Luka and Chole lean in at the same time and kiss each other. 

      Marinette and Adrien see them together, they smile, and think awe, so those two made up after all. The couple is so happy for Luka and Chloe. Even more so cause they have this feeling it is different this time around.

        the end...

     -Summer out!


The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now