Chapter 6 She is Not the Same?

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           Two months later, Marinette came home from the hospital. Her arm is in a cast and sling. She does not smile as much as she used to though. Also, she rarely ever speaks to anyone.  She appears to be different somehow.  She is Not the Same, not anymore. She draws dark pictures.  She writes things that include shadows, darkness, and such in them. 

          Marinette chose to quit school to the dismay of her friends. She felt it was too much on her to attend regular school after all that took place. She chose to enroll in online classes. She passes them all with straight A's.  The only class she makes a B in happens to be math, which is no surprise there as she was never good at this subject anyway.  She is a great student!  All her online teachers and classmates say as much.

        Marinette rarely gets out much either.  She leaves on occasion to run errands for her parent's bakery or for short walks in the park to sketch. However, she does not go to the museum, the theater, or other familiar areas at all. She attends church but sits in the back row.  She does not shake hands with her good hand. She does not keep in touch with her old friends.

       Adrien sighs. He thinks, why is it like this?  Why do I feel sad at the empty seat in the classroom?  Why do I bother to look for her when her mother told me she takes online studies now?  Why do I even care?  He shakes his head when Nino asks, "Dude, are you alright?  Miss Bustier ask you a question and you did not say a word. "  

      "Nino, leave him alone," Alya says. She too is sad that her best friend does not contact her or go to school with them anymore. She thinks, it strange that Marinette should cut off her crush to though.  She wishes should do something, but there is not a thing she can do.  Not when it is clear, Marinette does not want anything to do with them.

      Miss Bustier sees them talk in class.  "Alya, Nino, and Adrien, no more talking.  I am aware it has been hard for all of you as well as for Mylene now that Marinette no longer attends school here.  It is still against the rules to speak in class.  If you wish to discuss something among yourselves I suggest you do so at lunchtime, or after school.  Is that clear?"  Miss Bustier says.

     "Yes, Miss Bustier."  Alya says.

      "Yes, Miss Bustier." Nino says.

     "Yes, very clear, Miss Bustier," Adrien says. He sighs and frowns. He thinks I do not know why, but I feel like my smile is gone.  He wishes he could do something to clear his head, or more likely his heart.  He feels like he lost his chance to tell Marinette the truth.  The truth is he loves her.  Not just as a friend, no more than that even, he loves her with all his heart.  He shakes his head. He sighs, feels a tear fall, but refuses to push it away.  

       Time skip to after school that day...

          Marinette finishes her latest online class assignment to write a story about a group of friends who solve a mystery together.  She is not too happy about it as it reminds her how she was a part of such a group in the past. She thinks, well now that was then and this is now.  There is no way to go back. Not now, or ever!  She turns in the assignment and thinks, there now it is done, now what?

      Marinette frowns. She has the day off, so there are no errands to be done. She grabs up her sketchbook and heads on to the park. She sits down on a bench and begins to sketch.  She scowls when she looks down and sees what she drew.  It is a sketch of him, Adrien Agreste, her old flame.  She thinks, why now?  why do I think of him even after all this time?  Why is the memory so painful?

     Adrien is in the park. He is unaware that anyone else is there. He thinks, he is all alone. He went there to get some fresh air.  He wishes he could forget all about her, about Marinette. He thinks, maybe if I forget her kindness, her beauty, her smile, and everything about her, then I can be able to move on at last. He shakes his head.  He knows there is no way he will ever forget her, nor will ever truly wish the happy times they had away.  He feels more tears fall as he recalls the memory of the last time he saw her in the hospital months ago when she gave him a scowl.

   Adrien's flashback to six months in the past...

      "Marinette, thank goodness you are okay! I will die if something shall ever happen to you."  Adrien says.

    "A-Adrien, do not say such things. I am not worth it." Marinette says. She shoves his hands away. She thinks, I know it makes no sense to reject him when I love him, but I cannot be with him. Not now, after all, this, not when Lila and Chloe could seek revenge at any moment.   

      "M-Marinette, please!  Marinette!"  Adrien says.  He wraps his arms around her and tries to get her to face him. He sobs when she does not answer.

      "So, that is it then?  It is true, you hate me!  I do not know what I did to make you despise me.  I only wish to be your best friend.  No, that is not it.  I  care about you. Marinette, I l..." Adrien remarks.

     "No, Adrien.  You must find someone else.  Can you not see. I am not good for you or anyone.  I am nothing, but a clutz.  That is all I ever be! So do not waste your tears on me." Marinette replies.  She scowls at him.

        Adrien sobs. He cannot help it.  He is too late.  He lost his opportunity to tell her he loves her.  He kisses her cheek. He stands up, turns to go, and as he leaves he says, "Farewell, M-Mari!  Take care of y-yourself!"  He goes home and from that moment on is never the same.  He tries to text her, but gets the message that the other person has blocked him.  He shakes his head in shame.  He will never get to be with her now.  

     End of flashback...

       Adrien stands not far from where Marinette sits to do her sketches.  He does not notice when Marinette looks up and gasps.  He does not know that she saw him.  He cannot see the look she has in her eyes or the shock expression on her face when she realizes something.

     Marinette thinks so it is true then?  I do still have feelings for him.  After all this time, I love him!  No wonder I did this.  She wonders, why is he here?  what could make him pace back and forth in such a way as this?

    Meanwhile, Alya is upset.  Nino tries to comfort her.  "Alya, look I am sorry. Truly I am, but I cannot get her to speak to you. She does not exactly speak to me or Adrien.  She chooses to cut us all off." Nino says.

     "I know, but it still hurts Nino.  She was my best friend.  I thought for sure she would understand how much she meant to us all. " Alya says.

       Nino walks Alya home. He wishes things were different and that Marinette would at least contact Alya and Adrien.  He could care less if the bluenette does speak to him as Adrien is one who loves her he can tell and besides, Alya is her best friend.  He knows that try as he might even he is unable to fix this.

      Now back to Adrien and Marinette in the park. 

          Marinette does not speak to him. She cannot. She thinks, how could he forgive me after what I did to him?   She watches to see what he does next and sees him leave. She does not call out after him.  What good what that do her anyway?  She goes home and sketches another sketch this time it is one of her with the look of surprise when she saw him. She sighs. What is she ever to do now?  What indeed?

         Adrien walks away. He decides it was a mistake to have come here. There are too many good memories with her in them.  He runs home. He is not sure what to do or where to turn to next.  He plops down on his bed in sorrow, confusion, and uncertainty.     

      to be continued in Chapter  7   Marinette Text Someone!

Edits were made to the chapter on January 23, 2021.  

Additional edits made on March 13, 2021, to the chapter.

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now