Chapter 13 Slippery When Wet

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        Later that same day, when class let out, Marinette did not notice the sign in the hallway that read, "Caution: Slippery When Wet,"  neither did Adrien.  No sooner had they left the room then they both fell on their bottoms.  The two felt rather uncomfortable as a result but were grateful they had not gotten any broken bones.

      Luka sees them and did not give his usual taunts or laughs. He was rather quiet as if he was deep in thought. He could not believe Chole was sore at him.  He was sure he was the best boyfriend ever to her.  He did whatever she wanted and when she wanted it.  He could not see the problem.  Yet here she was not speaking to him, so he felt as if the only way to deal with the situation was to ignore her.

   Chloe comes out of the class and lost her balance. She fell not far from where Adrien and Marinette sat.  

    Adrien did not laugh, nor did Marinette as those two were too kind for such a thing.   

         Luka hears the crash as she slips and looks at her in utter surprise. He could not believe his prime and proper girlfriend trips.  Since when had she been such a clutz?

       He holds a hand to pull her up.  He was glad she was not seriously hurt. He could tell she was still steamed because she did not even look at him. He thought great she is still angry, but why?  He could have left her there, but he did not.  So, why then was she still giving him the silent treatment?  What had he done to deserve this?

      Luka walks her home unsure of where he stands with Chloe right now. He can not tell if this means she wishes to dump him or not.  He can not stand the silence anymore.  
     "Chloe, why want you speak to me?" Luka asks her.

     "Hmmpfth,"  Chloe responds. This was all the response he got from her since the two left dentition as if she somehow saw this as his fault.

      Luka reaches up and kisses her.  He hopes she will forgive him for whatever it is he has done to make her upset. He loves her and does not want to lose her.  

     Chloe does not kiss him back. Instead, she shoves him away, with a furious look in her eyes.  "Luka not now," She yells at him. She goes into her place and slams the door behind her. She locks it too to make sure he can not follow her instead. 

      Luka shakes his head in defeat and goes home. He sobs as he reaches his house a few minutes later. He thinks this can not be the end of us, can it?  He is hurt that his girl should reject his kiss.  He knows she never did that before today.  

     Meanwhile, with Adrien and Marinette, the two stand up slowly.  Adrien walks Marinette home and smiles at her.  He kisses her, then heads back to his place. 

      Marinette smiles with a bit of a blush to her cheeks. She is so happy. She thinks overall today was a good day. She is glad she has Adrien to keep her company and with him, she does not feel so alone anymore. She also feels a bit more confident around Chole and Luka. She can not help but feel sorry for Luka since he tries so hard to please Chole. She wonders if Chloe loves him as he does her or if he just uses her.

     Back to Chloe, she watches Luka from the window as he leaves. She did not want him to go and yet she let him leave. She could let him know she still cares for him. It would only make things worse for them both.  She recalls how she got a phone call that would change both of their lives for the worse while they were in the dentition.  

       The principal was not too happy when his phone had rung with a special request that the caller speak to Chloe with urgent news.

     Chloe felt her whole world fall apart at the seams from the phone call. She knew then everything was over for her.  She could not tell him.  How could she tell the boy she loves that she would not be able to finish out the semester with him because her parents split up and her mother wants her to move to New York with her?  She could not do this to him. She knew he would never understand.  She had to push him away and distance herself even if in the end she was the one whose heart was shattered completely.

     Find out more in Chapter  14  Desktop Doodles

   -Summer out!

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now