Chapter 10 Effiel Tower Troubles?

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               In the previous Chapter, after Adrien gave Marinette a kiss on the cheek, she was in shock. She stays put for a bit, but soon snaps out of her daze. She runs to try to figure out where he has gone off too.  She finishes her text to Alya and continues to run after him. 

            Current chapter, As Marinette runs faster to try to keep track of Adrien, she gasps. She sees him, but he is at the Effiel Tower. She sees him climb it. She does not stop though. She runs towards the tower and climbs up behind him.  She is glad that by now her arm is much better with no sling and cast.  She reaches the top of the tower at the same time, Adrien reaches it.

            Adrien does not see her.  He just lets the tears flow, and says,  "Sorry, I could not be a better friend to you, Marinette!  I am sorry!"   He steps closer to the edge and is about to jump.

          "No, A-Adrien!  You cannot do this!"  Marinette screams.

              Adrien stops and turns around. He hesitates when he sees her. He sighs, and sits down. "What do you want?  Why should you be here?  It is bad enough you hate me.  Oh, M-Mari, if only you could love me!  It is a-all I ever need is y-your l-love."  Adrien says.

           "A-Adrien, you gave your word to be there for me.  You swore to be there to catch me when I need it.  Do you not see, if you die, I will too?   If you jump, I jump with you!  Do not leave me. Please, I need you!"  Marinette pleads with him not to leave her. She feels tears stain her cheeks. 

          Adrien looks down. He cannot face her.  Not now.  Not ever!  He sighs, and says, "M-Marinette, I-I  cannot stop it. I have to go.  It is over now, can you not  s-see?   I h-have n-no reason to l-live."  

        Marinette approaches him. She sits beside him and grabs him. She refuses to let go.  She holds him tight.  "A-Adrien, d-do not leave me!  I -I  love y-you!" Marinette mutters.

        "Wh-what?  What did y-you s-say?"  Adrien ask.

        "A-Adrien, I love you!  Please, st-stay h-here with m-me!"  Marinette says. Her voice barely above a whisper.  She sobs. She refuses to let the tears go away. She cannot believe she almost lost him, the man she loves with all her heart.

       "M-Marinette, oh, Marinette!"  Adrien remarks. He reaches out and hugs her back. He sobs into her jacket. He feels so stupid now.  He feels all the pain release as the two hug one another.  He mutters, "M-Marinette, my love, you really mean it?  You l-love m-me?"  

        "Yes,I do!  I love you ever so much!  Adrien, I..." Marinette begins. She is cut off by Adrien gently touching her face with his hands as he kisses her not on the cheek this time,but on the mouth.  She hears her heart feel like it races fast from his touch and the kiss. She gives into the kiss though and kisses him back.

        Adrien continues to kiss her. He feels like it is a dream come true. He and his Marinette are kissing at last. He breaks the kiss and laughs. 

        "Why you!  Wh-what is s-so f-funny?"  Marinette sputters.

       "It is just that I never once thought you could love me. I always thought you did not want me.  I thought the day you push me away in the hospital meant that you hate me.  I am so glad, you are here with me now." Adrien answers. He holds her hand and whispers,  "Marinette, what will we do now?"

     "Whatever do you mean?"  Marinette says with wonder in her voice.

        "I mean,we cannot remain only friends now.  So, will you be my g-girlfriend?"  Adrien says.  He thinks, there I finally said it.

       "Yes,I would love to be your girlfriend, Adrien!"  Marinette says. She leans in and pulls his shirt collar. She smirks and kisses him again.

       Lila is still in jail during all this.  Chloe is out on good behavior.  What none of them knows is that the two are far from being in the clear when it comes to being out of harms way.  Lila's cousin, Jetta is in town.  Jetta is on the top of the tower too. She comes up to the lovebirds and reaches out with with an axe. She tries to attack them with it.  

       Chloe passes by the Effiel Tower for the first time in months. She sees someone try to harm Adrien and Marinette. She thinks, ugh!  How dare they try to hurt such a lovely couple!   She decides she has to do something!  She pulls out a whistle and blows it. 

      A bunch of dogs surround the tower and bark.  The bark startles Jetta so much, she looses her grip and the axe falls.  It hits the side of a tree down below.  Also, Jetta falls off the tower and lands hard on the concrete below. She survives, but her neck is broken along with a few ribs, her ankle, and both arms.

         The fire department arrives since Alya did call for help.  The  group sets up a huge net down for the couple to jump into so they can make it safe and sound.  Adrien sees the net and grins.  "Look, Mari!  The fire fighters brought us a net!  What do you say?"

        Marinette nods her head in approval!  "Adrien, lets do this together!"  Marinette says.

           "One, two , three!" Adrien calls out as he grabs Marinette's hand.  On the count of three, they both jump together and land on the net below unhurt.  Then, they think the firemen, Adrien walks Marinette home and winks at her.  He also kisses her and says, "I shall count the minutes until we meet again."

       Marinette laughs, "Same here, Adrien!  Same here!"  

                 Adrien smiles, arrives home a few minutes later and continues to grin big!  Somehow he has this guess tomorrow will be a great day!

              As for Jetta, she is under arrest, and taken away for charges of assault and battery, use of a deadly weapon, and attempt to kill Adrien Agreste and Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

               to be continued in Chapter  11  Lovebirds Unite?

The Clutz *Adrienette* by Summer ChengWhere stories live. Discover now