He ripped up the pictures, tore her coat and broke everything that reminded him of her.

After all this, he was sitting in the middle of it. He knew there was one last thing that he needed to get rid of and it tortured him.

The sofa that he had held her close for so long happened to be in there bedroom that they had once shared.

He couldn't rip it up but came up with a better idea.

He stood up with determination and walked to the garage. He found a gasoline can with some left over gas in it and headed back up.

After grabbing a lighter he walked up slowly. Each step he walked on was a memory that flashed before his eyes.

Her laughing as he carried her bridal style up these very steps. Them making love while tripping over themselves and up the steps. Them playing chase around the house.

Everything ached and he wished for more than anything, that he was just good enough and had her back in his arms.

He made it to the bedroom and slowly pushed open the door. He looked at the mess of the room and the unmade bed.

The bed that he hasn't touched sense the last time he slept with her. He held her close and she buried herself into him, which he loved.

But he couldn't help but think that it almost felt like the last time and boy was he right.

Nick swallowed the vomit that threatened to come up and walked in. He looked at everything one last time before dousing the furniture in gasoline.

The bed was soaking wet and he didn't care. He shut off his emotions and continued to get rid of her and everything that reminded him of her.

He pulled out his phone, he didn't know why. Maybe it was a cry for help but he didn't want help, he wanted the bedroom and everything to burn.

He rang his phone and slowly brought it up to his ear without saying a word. Instead he simply stared at the bed and blinked.

"Hey nick!" He heard Kevin say from the other end of the phone.

Nick didn't say anything, "Nick?" Kevin asked confused.

Nick opened his mouth and the only thing that came out was "I want everything to burn" and he slowly brought the phone down.

"Nick?!" Kevin screamed but nick dropped the phone and brought out the lighter.

He looked at it trying desperately to come up with something to change his mind but came up blank.

This was it, the pain and everything was going to get burned away. He would just say it was a freak accident and that would be that.

He visioned the whole thing going down not realizing that Kevin and Joe were parking outside.

He sighed and lit the lighter, with a final "goodbye" he threw it onto the bed and watched it go up in flames.

He watched the fire start to spread but not fast enough for his liking. He stood there blank and watched the fire dance and take away so many memories.

"Nick?!" He heard Joe call his name, sounded like he was frantic but nick didn't budge.

Just then he heard footsteps running up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"Oh my god!" Joe screamed, Joe ran and started to put the fire out.

Wait what?, no he couldn't! This was the only way nick was going to ever be ok again.

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