Chapter Forty Seven

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"I missed you, baby girl." Aristos said.

I sunk down onto my knees with tears falling down my cheeks like tiny rivers. The pavement was rough and cold against my knees. I looked up at him and watched as he climbed down off the fire-escape. He walked over to me and I still couldn't believe this was real.

But then he put his hands on my arms and I could feel it. I could feel the touch of those big, strong tattooed hands that I'd been longing for. He was actually touching me, he was actually there, I wasn't dreaming.

He scooped me up bridal style into his arms, like a knight carrying his princess to safety, and carried me into the apartment building. I stared up at his face the entire time he carried me, taking in his features, that handsome face I thought for sure I would never see again. I reached up and touched it to make sure it was real. His face was exactly the same, he looked like an angry bull with his nose ring, the skin on his face was soft, his beard was the same length it had been the last time I saw him. His brown eyes were burning holes into my skin, but the demons weren't dancing in them. "You've been taking your pills." I choked out the words and smiled as I ran my finger gently down his cheek. I grazed my finger across his full lips and then it lingered and I pulled down his bottom lip.

The door into my apartment flung open, he turned his head in each direction and when he spotted my bedroom he kicked the door closed with his foot and brought me to my bed. He threw me down onto the mattress and then just stood there at the edge, staring at me and trailing his eyes up and down my body. His jaw clenched and his eyes were wide.

I missed those crazy, furious looks he used to give me. We were both quiet for a moment, just gawking at each other, soaking in the reality of being with each other again after so long. I looked at his new hair, the brown with bleach blonde on the top, and the rat tail dread that hung down the back of his head, the bottom of it resting on his right shoulder. My watery eyes looked at the black pullover hoodie covering his upper half, then moved down to the black pants on his bottom half. My eyes stopped on the crotch of the jeans when I noticed the huge bulge in his pants.

His arms hung at his sides and his fists clenched, his knuckles turning white. "I don't know whether to just punish you or fuck the shit out of you and then punish you or do both at the same time."

I wiped my tears away, my eyes turned dark and then a huge grin crept onto my face. I couldn't expect this moment to be like a romantic fairytale when the two lovers finally saw each other again and walked off into the sunset together, made love, told each other they love and missed each other, gentle touches and sweet, pretty words. That wasn't who he was, and I had learned that wasn't who I was either.

"What the fuck did you do to your hair?" Was the first thing I asked, even though I had a million other questions.

"Well, considering the fact that you were gone and I was going crazy every single day, I was about to pull all of my hair out of my fucking head. And it started to dread because I wasn't taking care of it. So I cut it all off in a motel bathroom." He said angrily through clenched teeth. "And then..." He started pacing in front of the bed, "I had to dye it because I had to kill a few men along the way as I was looking for you. And since they were very messy murders that I couldn't clean up, the cops started looking for me." Aristos growled the words like a dog.

"You looked for me? Where were y-"

"I looked everywhere for you! I never stopped." He shouted.

"I've been home for a month and a half, why are you just now here?!" I shouted back.

His head snapped into my direction and his nostrils flared. "I was in a motel room all the way on the other side of fucking Louisiana! I almost killed myself, I was so fucking close to hanging, breaking my neck in the bathroom but then you stopped me and told me where you were."

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