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Honey's POV

My mama always taught me to be myself, no matter what people thought of you. Nobody had the right to tell you how to be.

I tried to follow that advice at my old school, Granite City... it didn't end well. We had to move...

After that, I didn't even want to step foot in another school. I wanted to be homeschooled more than anything, but my mama didn't want me to 'throw away my senior year' because I was scared.

She promised me it would be different here. Me and my dad were more than skeptical.

Just because a school claimed they 'welcomed every monster', didn't mean they'd accept someone like me.

But it's not like I had much of a choice.


My mama, her name's Jill, took me to school today. She needed to talk with the headmistress again, to make sure things were understood.

Actually, she didn't need to, she wanted to. My mama might be a small, elfin woman, but she didn't take bullshit. She refused to have another 'Granite City incident' happen to me again.

She kept her hand on my shoulder as we walked towards the office. Our positioning was a little odd, because I'm a good foot taller than her, but she didn't let that stop her from comforting me.

Once we got to the office, I let her do all the talking. Not that there was much to talk about.

All of my teachers had been notified, as well as the nurse and anyone else who had access to my files.

Headmistress Bloodgood made sure eveything was taken care of the same day she had been notified that I would be transferred here, which is what she told my mama again.

"Mrs. Baneshaw, I assure you, you and  Honey have nothing to worry about," She smiled, placing her head back on her neck

"Monster high is a very accepting school,"

My mama sighed. "It's not the school itself I'm worried about, It's the students," She glanced at me, and put her hand on my knee.

I'd been bouncing my leg, I do that a lot.

"When the kids at Granite City found out... it wasn't good,"

Yeah, no shit. I almost died.

Bloodgood shifted in her chair. My mama told her the whole situation the first time they met, she definitely remembered.

"I- yes, I recall," She cleared her throat "But I promise you, no students will know unless Honey herself tells them,"

Which is unlikely to happen, not again.


After about ten more minutes, I was free to go.

Bloodgood had called down for a student, wanting them to help me find my classes and show me around before first block.

We had already taken a tour past week, but honestly I completely forgot where to go.

My mama had kissed me on the forehead before she left. "If anything happens, text me immediately,"

My mama didn't mess around.

There was a quiet knock at the door, before the door to the office turned.

Someone stepped- actually floated in.

He was ghost boy, with pale blue skin and dark blue hair hidden under a baby blue beanie. Huh.

"You... you wanted to see me?," He glanced at me, beforenlooking at Bloodgood.

She nodded and gestured to me. "This is Honey, she's new, I was hoping you could show her around for me,"

Which translated to, show her around, you have no choice.

The blue boy blinked. "O-oh, yeah, sure," He smiled at me, nervously.

He was kinda... awkward. Which wasn't a bad thing, I'm the personification of akward myself.

Bloodgood sent us off, but she didn't say his name...

"I'm um... I'm Billy by the way," He smiled at me again, rubbing the back of his neck.


Billy's POV

When Bloodgood called me down, I was expecting... actually I didn't know what to expect, but it definitely wasn't this.

I didn't even know a new student had transferred, usually news like that is all over the Ghostly Gossip before they even get here.

Though, I wasn't complaining. She's pretty... really pretty.

Her bright pink hair reminded me of cotton candy- in a good way! And it really stood out against her blue dress, which hugged her curves really nicely and-

Okay, Billy, don't be a creep.

I cleared my throat, which was suddenly very dry.

"I'm um... I'm Billy by the way,"

I smiled at her, rubbing the back of my neck. I do that when I'm nervous.

She smiled at me, her eyes squinting a bit. "I'm Honey,"

Huh. That's a new one.

"Honey like... from bees?,"

Really, Billy? Do you want to offend the girl?

If she was offended, she didn't show it.


Oh wow.

Her voice was light and soft, exactly what you'd expect from someone who looked like her.

"My... my mama's a beekeeper,"

I looked at her in surprise. "Wait, really?," She nodded. "That's... that's actually kinda cool,"


Honey's POV

Billy was nice. He started asking a lot about my mama's work when I told him what she did.

Do you live on a bee farm? No.

Is there such thing as a bee farm? Yes.

Does she sell honey? Yes.

I've never had someone be so fascinated by that before, it was refreshing in a way.

He showed me to my first block class, and he agreed to meet me back here so we could walk to lunch together.

Maybe... maybe this would be different than Granite City. Maybe I'd be safe here.

As of right now, one suspected anything.

I just hope it stays that way.


Word Count- 934.

Hopefully that wasn't complete shit lol.

Any guesses as to what Honey's hiding?

I honestly forgot what Invisi-Billy looks like and I'm too lazy to look him up, but I'm pretty sure I was at least close to accurate lmao.

My starting chapters are always messy for some reason, but it'll clean up in the next couple chapters.

Hopefully XD.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2020 ⏰

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