New story(AN)

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Hey guys

Welcome to my new story HER BILLIONARE LOVER.

I hope you stay in tune for this one. I really am excited about it and I haven't been excited in a while now. I am looking forward to this story and I hope you are too.


I walked up to him and he turned around as I approached him. I hugged him but he didn't hug back and his facial expression told me something was wrong. Suddenly there was this deep ache in my heart that just wouldn't go away. I had a bad feeling that just wouldn't go away.

"What is wrong?" I asked him

"I have to tell you something Camelia." He said with his deep Italian accent.

"What is it? You are scaring me Ian."

"I have always loved you Camelia. Since the day I first met you I have always had a soft spot for you deep in my heart. I was certain that you were the only women for me but not anymore...last night was amazing and you are an amazing woman but you are just not meant for me. I am sorry I wasted your time but I am in love with another woman and I am getting married to her today. I am so sorry Camelia. "He said and kissed me on the forehead and was just about to walk away when I turned around and yelled at him.

"You can't be serious. Tell me it's not true Ian. I love you. You're my everything and your leaving me just like that." Behind him stood a gorgeous woman with long beautiful dark brown hair. She looked like a Victoria secret model and right then and there my insecurities came in. I was the total opposite of her. Surely, I am not fat. I have a more curvaceous yes but definitely not fat. I had a nice toned booty and some beautiful D cup boobs. All natural of course. I am a Mexican woman after all. We Mexicans are naturally born with curves.

"I am sorry Camelia but I am in love with Maria and I am marrying her today."

"You lied to me. I gave you my virginity and you couldn't tell me that you were getting married. I gave you what was most sacred to me and you forgot to mention that you are getting married. How could you?" I asked with tears flowing down my face and a pain deep in my chest that just wouldn't disappear.

"Five years. I have loved you for five years and this is what you do to me. I will never forgive you Ian. Never. "His best friend George Anderson appeared from behind him and Maria and looked at me with pity.

"I am truly sorry Mila but your just not enough for me. You are too innocent and naïve for me. I need a grown woman by my side and you are just not it. "

"Please don't do this to me. I beg you."

"Don't be pathetic Mila. I don't want you. Accept it." he said and I cried even more.

"You are welcome add the wedding if you like." He said and I snapped.

"Fuck you. Fuck you Ian Hamilton. I hate you. I hate you." I yelled and through blurry eyes I saw his fiancé pull him away and they left without so much as another look from me. I collapsed on the beach and cried my heart out. George tried to comfort me but I just pushed him away. I don't know how long I sat there feeling sorry to myself until I finally dragged up the courage to leave and go back to my hotel room only to drown in my own sorrows yet again.

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