LIX. Another Dance

Start from the beginning

"We're in a house full of vampires, Elena. If i wanted to sell you out to Klaus, I'd leave the house first. Like Damon said, don't push it."


"Which dress?" I ask, holding up two dresses. Stefan looks up, one's a velvet dark red dress with a plunging neckline that goes mid-thigh, the other a black satin dress that goes mid-thigh and is long sleeve and off the shoulder.

"Red, but that's very... revealing."

"Then why'd you pick it?" I question, giving him a questioning look.

"Cause i like it." He smirks. I roll my eyes, putting the black dress back into the closet. He moves over to his side of the closet, looking at all his ties, "I need some new ties." He huffs. I walk over, looking at them and scrunching my noes.

"Yeah, you do." I nod, "Go get some."


"Damon." I say in a 'duh' tone. He motions for me to follow and i laugh, "Oh, no." I say shaking my head.

"And why not?"

"Because Elena's there." I shrug.

"So? Aren't you better than her?"

"You know i am." I glare.

"Then let's go." I groan, placing my dress on the bed. Stefan and i walk down the hall, into Damon's room, Damon and Elena getting quiet when we walk towards the bathroom. "I need to borrow a tie."

"You have your own ties." Damon points out boredly.

"I'm 162 years old and I'm going to a homecoming dance. I need better ties." Stefan sasses.

Elena huffs, turning to us. "Or you two could just like, not go." She suggests with attitude.

"We're compelled to protect you." Stefan reminds her, "And if i look at your track record at high school dances, it's pretty tragic." Stefan points out. "With my luck, you'll go ahead and get yourself murdered by the homecoming queen."

"Doesn't sound too horrible," I add, walking away, Stefan following me to go pick out a tie.

"Remember only one of us heals quickly." Damon reminds her. I look into the bathroom, seeing they have wolfsbane and vervain grenades.

"Please tell me you have a better plan than wolfsbane grenades." I sigh, Stefan walking over to me, holding up two ties. I point at one and he nods.

"Never you mind, Alina. The less you and Stefan know, the better." He says, twisting the lid on one.

"Our entire freedom from Klaus rests entirely upon you two executing your plan perfectly," Stefan tells them. "So, excuse us if we're a bit cynical."

"You two are the ones we should be worried about." Elena glares, "If Klaus asks you one wrong question, the whole thing falls apart."

"You do have a reason to worry." Stefan nods. "But if i look back at our history of epic plan failures, it's usually because one of us let out humanity get in the way. So if I'm taking odds on how this thing goes down, It's certainly not gonna be us who screw it up."

"We'll see you at Homecoming," I say with a sarcastic smile.


I sigh, walking upstairs. I had finished getting ready, but i left my clutch upstairs and i do not wanna be carrying my lipgloss and phone all night. I look up, seeing Damon blocking me.

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