Chapter 2: Arthur

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Arthur paced back and forth outside of Lord Blarcum’s office. He’s been meaning to speak with him for a while now about getting his own plot of land. He’s been living in a cottage with Rory since they moved to the Manor nearly six years ago and now that he and Jade are getting serious he wants his own space. Rory wasn’t too happy when he brought it up to him. He’s still jealous that he and Jade have been together for close to a year now. He was so sure this relationship was going to fail and it still feels like he’s waiting for it to end.

“Arthur, are you alright?” Amani asked as she waddled down the hall, rubbing a hand over her stomach. She was ready to give birth any day now and he knows this probably isn’t the best time to speak to Lord Blarcum about this but he can’t wait any longer.

“Yes, I-I’m just waiting to speak to m’lord about something. How are you feeling?”

She let out a breath, a pained smile on her face, “I’m fine, I’m ready for this little one to make his entrance,” She chuckled, “Van should be free, just go in and when you’re done will you tell him I need him in the damn nursery? I feel like that asshole is avoiding me.”

“Of course, Miss Blake. I’ll let him know.” He nodded and gulped nervously at the glare she pierced him with.

“For fuck's sake, Arthur. Stop calling me Miss Blake. You’re dating my best friend, you can call me Amani. I don’t care what that jerk says. You’re not my damn subordinate and I don’t work for him anymore anyway.” 

“Y-yes, m’lady. I-I mean Amani.” He said quickly, opening the office door to get away from her angry glare. No wonder Lord Blarcum was hiding away from her. Her emotions are all over the place. That woman is scary when she’s angry.

“Oh God, is she out there?” Van whispered, ducking beneath his desk and peering over it in fear. Arthur bit his cheeks from laughing at the frightened Lord. He has never seen that look of fear in his eyes. This from the man that was responsible for slaying his mother’s bodyguards to save his feisty little witch.

“She’s gone now, but she did say she needs you in the nursery.” He chuckled and watched him sigh in relief, taking his seat again.

“Sweet Jesus, Arthur. Never get a woman pregnant. I don’t know if she’s going to hug me or strangle me,” He chuckled, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, “ And don’t bloody tell her I’m having a drink.”

“Of course not, m’lord. But you know she’s going to smell it on your breath.”

“Not if I have some gum,” Lord Blarcum grinned at him, “What can I do for you anyway? Is everything alright with the horses?” He asked, motioning for him to have a seat.

“Yes, the horses are fine. I want to talk to you about something else…” He began, taking a seat in front of him. His heart was pounding so hard in his chest. He doesn’t ask for much and he’s content with everything he has, but if he wants to be serious with Jade he needs his own place, “I want to talk to you about buying another plot of land on the Manor.”

Lord Blarcum raised his eyebrow and a grin spread across his lips, “Does this have anything to do with you and Jade?”

“Y-yes, it’s getting serious between us and she’s hinted that she wants to move here. We’ve talked about it quite a few times now, but I can’t start a life with her if I’m still living with Rory. I know you don’t like to sell your land but I can pay -”

“Arthur,” He chuckled, “I don’t like to sell my land to anyone outside of my family and you should know by now I consider my staff family. If you want a plot of land on the Manor you’re more than welcome to it. You certainly don’t have to pay for it either. Amani would kill me if I did that.”

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