Chapter 1: Jade

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Jade sighed as she walked up the steps to her house. She rolled her shoulders and untied the apron around her waist. It was another long night at the bar. She's been working as a receptionist during the day and a bartender at night just so she can save up enough money to visit Arthur. They've been a solid long-distance couple for six months now. Amani has told her countless times she would pay for her flights to see Arthur. To be fair, Arthur has said the same thing, but she doesn't want their money or to be a charity case. She wants to do this on her own.

She opened her door and trudged up the steps to her room, trying her best to avoid the creeks in the stairs. She didn't want to wake her parents, it's bad enough she's moved in with them again to save money. She flopped on her bed and smiled hearing her phone vibrate in her pocket. She put the phone to her face and grinned at the name scrolling across the screen.

"Good morning, Arthur."

"Good morning, lassie. Did you just get home from work?" His deep husky voice asked. She will never get over the way he sounds or that delicious accent of his.

"Yes, I just laid down actually," she sighed, twirling her braid around her finger, "Are you off to the fields?"

He chuckled, "I am, I've got to keep those horses in order you know." She could hear the smile in his voice, but there was worry edging in his words.

She frowned sitting up, "What's the matter?" She has been worried ever since they officially started dating that he's going to break up with her because of the distance. He's assured her that's the last thing he wants to do but that nagging doubt still troubles her mind.

"Nothing....well, I just miss you," He sighed, "I'm happy we're together and it's nice that we can face time, but I just wish you were here or I was there. We're not getting any younger Jade and I know it's only been six months but I want to know if you're serious about us."

She choked out a laugh, shaking her head, "Arthur, when I agreed to go into this relationship, I was serious about us. I was serious when I said I want to see if we can make this work. I know long-distance relationships aren't easy...."

"I know and that's my own insecurities about this. I just want to see you in person instead of on a screen. I don't want you working all those hours just to save up to visit me. I don't understand why you won't let me pay for you. I'm your boyfriend, I'm allowed to do things like that."

She blushed, nodding her head. How many times has he said that to her? She knows she's being stubborn but she doesn't need or want his money, "I know, but I don't need you to pay for things for me. I'm capable of saving up."

"I don't like it," he growled, "You shouldn't have to work that hard."

"Me? You work twice as hard as I do in those fields every day. I'm fine, Arthur."

He heaved a deep sigh, "I know, but where do you want to be anyway? If we decide to live together, do you want to stay in Detroit or would you...would you consider moving here?"

Her heart thumped in her chest, she knew this question was going to come up at some point. The idea of moving to Stornoway has been on her mind ever since she went to visit Amani. But could she really leave her family? She's her parents' only child, what would they do without her living nearby? "I...don't know. I love Stornoway, but I would need to think about my family. I'm all my parents have and I'm not sure I could leave them."

"Jade, I want you to know I'm willing to do whatever you want. If you want to stay in the States I'll move there."

She chuckled, "What would you do here? You'd miss those horses and that farm way too much to live here. I know you, Arthur."

There was silence for a moment before he sighed again, "I would do anything to make this relationship work, even if it means leaving the Manor. I hope you know that."

Her heart stuttered at his admission. She's never been with anyone that was so determined to make their relationship work or so willing to give up something they love for her, "I know that. I really do, but let me think about it and what I want to do."

"I understand, you don't have to make a decision right now and I don't want to pressure you to make one either. I just want you to know I'm serious about us."

"I'm serious about us too. I just need time to decide. I want to be with you, in person. I know this long-distance relationship isn't a permanent solution."

He chuckled softly, "No it's not. There are so many things I want to do with you."

She grinned, "I know what you mean. That trip to Italy was such a tease."

He choked out a laugh and she can almost see the blush staining his cheeks, "Yes, it was, my love. I think about it all the time."

"Mm, me too," She sighed, that was still the best time she's ever had. He is such a giving lover.

"Right, you little minx, you need to get some sleep and I need to get to work. I'll call you later."

"Alright, babe. I'll face time you, then we can continue this conversation."

"You're such a tease, but I'll be counting the hours."

"So will I." Her heart sank as she heard the click of the phone. Long-distance relationships are horrible. She just wants to feel him again, she wants to kiss those lips and snuggle into his arms.

She quickly changed her clothes and crawled into bed again. She hugged her pillows to her face, she doesn't know how anyone handles a relationship like this. A smile tugged at her lips, but he's so serious about them. She wants their relationship to be real and in person, but can she really make that leap to move to Stornoway? She should talk to Amani and ask her how she handles being away from her family. She knows her mother isn't the greatest parent, but she has to miss her brothers.

She closed her eyes, she'll call her and talk to her about it. At least if she lived there she wouldn't be alone. She'd have Arthur and she'd have her best friend. Maybe she needs to get out of this city too. 


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