{9} Secrets Unravel

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Dedicated to all of you awesome people that voted and commented on the first few chapters. I'm sorry for making you wait about three weeks or so, but I've been quite busy. AND....

A little request, if you can, please comment your Username if you voted and I'll dedicate a chapter to ya'll. Enjoy :D

"TEME!" Hayate's voice screamed through the hallways. He had been watching footage of Akai's battles against Rei Serio, or you could say "Persona".

This was all he could do to get his fury and rage up against them. He didn't want to admit it but, he was was the only one Akai had left. On cue, the door banged open and two men stood dragging a cloaked figure through the doors.

"Sir Hayate, we found this insolent girl attempting to enter the gates, although she wouldn't reveal her identity, we brought her to you." The forcefully released the girl and she dropped lifelessly to the ground before him. "Dismissed."

As soon as the doors closed behind them, he ran to her.  The girl got up from her knees, using the handle to sustain her stance. "Hayate," she murmured. Hayate couldn't believe, that was her, that was Akai.

"What did you do?" He questioned, gripping her shoulder tightly with one hand. "I did what I had to do." She snapped, which kept Hayate aware of her emotions. He knew what she did, he didn't need to ask. Akai could have went to find her own sources of information, if it was really possible we were up against the group she favoured the most. If the chances of injuring someone from there was high. If there was another way we could get around with success, unfortunately there's none.

"We'll be up and rolling in about an hour Akai,"
"Let's get this done with."

We were thirty minutes earlier, everything prepared for attack.
"You ready mistress?" Minako asked, as she watched Akai flip out a ammo sack for her smart pistol. She nodded, "Thank you for your concern." They then flipped up their hoods.

All of a sudden they were there.
The Dangerous Ability.

The group stood just a few feet from where they hid on the rooftops. Instead, the competitors took their stance in the grassy open field, there was no hiding, specific planning, or-

A blade cut her off....like literally.
"Y-your majesty, Tsubasa is right behind you with a knife held to your throat." Haruhi whispered through electrical telepathy.

"That is in fact right, young lady, one more piece of mind talking and who you call, "Her Majesty's," neck is sliced."

Bewildered, Akai balled her hand into a fist. "Tsubasa?" Her voice was now electrical, like somebody speaking through a hidden vent.

"How did it feel like when Mikan was shot?"

"Nande?!" She took the space in between the paralyzed moment as an advantage. Making him confused much as she was. Mikan wasn't shot, but his caring mood had brought him back to his senses. Akai slipped out of his loosened grip and in seconds, she was in his position. One foot in front of his, one hand pinning both of his behind his back and the other hand with her smart pistol to his head.

"I won't kill you," she whispered, but shocked as her real voice could have been hinted if they'd listen carefully.

Cho looked at both of the girls with a smile, and nodded. Soon they got the message.

"This is gonna hurt buddy," Hayate warned, "It sure will! Trust me, I've had first hand experience," Minako agreed. Seconds later a wooden stick came down to the back of his knee in slow motion. Time almost slowed down as she watched his priceless reaction as he sunk to the ground and passed out.

"Phew," the lady whistled, "Tsubasa can be such a baka at some times you know," I murmured.
"No comment, Sherlock." They replied together. It wasn't the best time, but we smiled.

"Now let's go reveal those inner girls in the boys for once."

"Secrets are about to unravel."

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