{2} A Fight with Fire and Death

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Reader's POV

Natsume took the steps towards her, and Akai's first move was typical.


Immediately, the flame thrower had figured out her first move. He jerked her hand towards him and twisted it. By then, he was facing her back. Fortunately, he underestimated her. She kicked him back on the shin, but he hadn't released her that quick. She made the most out of his daze by doing the exact movements he had done. This time, she kneed him down to the ground, and unexpectedly got pulled down too. 

Akai had fallen and hit a part of her skull that made her seem all of a sudden in a daze. Still, she fought the urge and stayed conscious. But all the time she had used to regain her strength was a waste. Natsume was now hovering over her, a victorious smirk plastered on his face.

"So tell me," he started, breathing out, "your alice?"

Akai stayed down, not a breath nor word, but she was fully aware.

Natsume was fed up by her act, he hadn't known which way to address it. Unknowingly, he raised his foot high, and brought his heel down with force on her stomach.

Her body shuddered, lifting of the ground and falling back. 'If this is for the sake of my profile, I'd do anything to keep it this way,' Akai thought to herself.

Natsume was surprised, it seemed as if she hadn't felt anything. She stayed calm, her breathing at a steady pace. 'Why.....' he whispers, studying her. 'I wouldn't have done that if I were you,' his body stiffened and he twisted around.

'Persona...you-' Natsume got cut off. Persona took the steps and unexpectedly pushed his favourite puppet away, causing him to stumble.

'Rei Serio,' a small voice quavered. Natsume's head snapped towards Akai, she talked. But that wasn't what shocked him much. She was actually shaking in fear, her face was pale and her lips were quivering. Rei Serio? Natsume talked to himself once more.

Akai backed away from him , but only to be held up by the neck. 

'What are you doing to her?!' Natsume growled, but he knew he couldn't do anything, not to Persona. 

'I told you....not to run from us, after all these years,' Persona speaks through gritted teeth. He's mad...at a girl...for the first time. He never acted this way before, not even to him, who keeps blowing stuff up.

'G-get away from me,' Akai whispers, choking with each breath.

'You remember this, although your the POD, Queen Alice has no right,' he dropped her and she sank to the floor. Only Akai had felt the palms of her hand turn icy cold, since she was wearing gloves. 

Natsume stood dumbfounded at this, he didn't show any expressions. All he knew was Persona could have been mad at her for running, since she of course was the leader of a pack of wild rebels. But what did he mean by POD, and Queen Alice would have been the woman who made us like this.

Somehow, Akai was breathing normally again. 'Oi, I'll take you to the hospital,' Natsume knelt by her. Surprisingly she nodded, 'Weakling,' he thought and slipped her arm over his shoulder.

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