{3} Trust Isn't Easy...Youichi

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RANDOM DEDICATE: This is dedicated to @spicyzero9 for commenting on my first Gakuen Alice book 'Fire to Snow'

Normal POV

'Akai-Chan~ It's time for school! Here's your change of clothes, hurry!' Akai sat up groggily, black spots danced around until it made a form of a joyful Narumi-sensei.

She studied the clothes, a skirt. 'Ah! We had no pair of trousers for you today, so you'll have to wear this today~' Akai had the urge to glare at the innocent teacher, but she held it back with a nod. 'Your so cool and rebellious yet so kind hearted, A-kai chaaaan~' he opened his arms for a hug, but Akai just whacked him in the forehead.


Akai looked in the mirror again. Adjusting her red necktie and her double clips, she pulled on her combat gloves and placed her feet in her boots. Lastly she wore her polished katana.

'Ne, isn't that the new girl?'

'I heard she's the school's most rebellious,'

'And she's a chick!' that statement made Akai glare at the high school student, sending shivers down his spine.

'She's in that class, with the flame thrower'

'Eh? She looks older...'

Akai slammed the door of class 2-B open. The students stared at her,

'She's finally wearing a skirt,'

'She looks so cool!'

'Nawstuwe, shwe pwetty,' Akai moved her head towards the four year old todler who was in Natsume's lap. Akai tilted her head,

'Akai NO!' Mikan yells, she ignored her. She knelt down and held the little boys hand,

'Baka,' Natsume whispers to Youichi. Youichi shakes his head and looks at Akai,

'Onee-chan kakkoii,'

Natsume's eyes widen, 'Cho,' the little boy says and lets go of her hand, but stretches it out towards her. Akai stares at him, and ruffles his hair lightly, the whole class gapes. Akai Cho, had finally smiled.

'Jinno's coming!' Mochiage yells at the top of his lungs. Akai gave his hands a tight squeeze and sat back on her seat, facing the board.

The whole time Jinno-sensei lectured, Natsume watched Youichi play with the mystery girl's long purple hair. Natsume tried to set it on fire the first time, 'Onii-chan, Cho is innwocent,' Youichi says, clinging to his shirt. Natsume remembered those words, how did he know? He also remembered how Akai smiled at him, her eyes sparkled so brightly for a second, yet she returned to that dark world.


'Akai, were going to central town today, would you like to join us?' Mikan asks with the class rep. She nods and walks out the door. Mikan bounces excitedly all over the place, 'Stop rabbiting, idiotic polka dot.' Mikan froze and held up her fist, 'WHAT DID YOU SAY?!' the boys and girls at the back of the class speaks up, 'Akai-sama is going to Central Town? Let's follow her!'

'Eh?? I'll try to get a picture with her too!' the other boy says.

'Akai....sama,' Tobita and Ruka repeats, 'She's just came and she's got a fan club,' they all say in unison.


Akai quickly changes into her casual outfit. Criss cross black leggings, ripped red shorts, and a leather black over top.

She locked the door and spun around, 'Cho oneechan,' she looks down at the little boy, 'Youichi,' she whispers. The little boy smiles, knowing she only talks to him. He takes her hand and they walk silently to the bus stop.

She walks to the back of the bus, holding Youichi's hand. Everyone's eyes lay on her and the kid. 'Swit wit Nawtsuwe,' he says. She looks over at the glaring flame thrower and sits next to him. 'Since when did you become so close?' He mumbles. Unexpectedly, Youichi pulls them both close together, their now inches away from each other. 'Mom, Dad,' he says. Akai blushes, while Natsume smirks. Their breath was mixing, until Akai looked the other way.
The first stop was the food shop. 'Eh?? The three most dangerous students!' a boy yells. Everyone backs away.
'3 Holowan boxes,' Natsume says. 'T-that would b-be 200 rab-' Akai stuffed 1000 rabbits in his hands, and walked away. The shopkeeper smiled but fainted from after-shock.

Seconds Later..



'BAKA!' Natsume yelled. Akai froze, knowing at the second exactly why he would say that...Youichi...

'Yo!' they both spin around to a nine year old boy...which of course...was him.

'Youichi...' Natsume says, not sure if he should be mad. 'Now I can finally be with you two,' he says, slinging his arms around both their shoulders. Akai couldn't believe he had done that, just to be with them. 'Is it permanent?' Natsume asks, 'Yup!' this time Akai had to faint...but she didn't.

'Ehh?! Those three look to cool together,' Akai looked back at the fangirls and guys staring at them.

'Are they a couple?' one asks,

'Impossible, maybe a love triangle?' the other squeals,

'Stupid fans,' Natsume murmurs. He pulled Akai closer to him, and the girls let out their high pitched...voice? 

'KAWAII!' the higher students yell. Natsume earns a midnight glare from Akai, and  smirk from Youichi. 'Guys! We need to leave now, it's getting dark!' Mikan runs up to them, and stares at the boy holding Akai's hand. 'I-is that....' Akai raises and eyebrow, 'Your boyfriend?' 

<Awkward Silence>

'Ugly...no I'm not. I'm Youichi,' he says. 'Oh! YOUICHI?!!' she backs away. They roll their eyes and walk away.

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