{6} Memory Lane~

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Dedicated to @JoannaHard since your actually the first real life friend to write to me on Wattpad!

RECAPPanting, the girls look up to the paralyzed teacher, 'Narumi...we need out princess back,'

PRESENT: The blonde scanned the area, and spotted the lady looking wide eyed at them. 'Haruri, don't blow her cover,' the red head whispers to her, she nods. 'We need her within two hours, or else...' they both pulled out pocket daggers. 

Akai stiffled a laugh to herself, remembering those old days where her friends would threaten people to give them what they wanted....then it occured to her.

Memory Lane 

'Minako, Haruhi! I need you to stay in the attic or basement til' someone says these words....Princess of Destruction,' 'Why? Where are you going?' they both ask, 'Somewhere, but stay safe...and protect her,' with that she walked out the door, slamming is shut behind. 'She'll be back, this happens a lot,' Minako explains to her best friend. She nods, but there was something wrong about it this time though...


A gun shot was heard within seconds, 'W-what was that?' Minako asks, walking towards the door. Haruhi understood what had just happened, her mother protected them, so now they had to do what they were told. Haruhi grabbed her wrist and pulled her back, 'No, we need to go upstairs. Remember what your mom said, Minako?' she asks, dragging her to the attic. 'Yeah but...someone got shot, I need to help them!' she yelled, but Haruhi shook her head. 'No...you can't Minako, I'm sorry.' with that, Haruhi pushed her into the attic and shut the iron door, locking it with the most complex numbers and codes. The only light source was the light coming through a tinted window. Minako crawled towards it. Once Haruhi was done, she faced her friend. 'MINAKO!' she yelled. Minako peered through, it displayed her garden, surrounded by men with guns. They were crowded around one specific thing, no person..

Haruhi gulped in guilt. Minako was shaking uncontrollably, 'M-mom?' she stared at the body in a puddle of blood. 'Minako....' Haruhi started, but she just banged on the window. 'MOM!' she screamed, tears spilling out of her eyes. 'Minako stop,' she turned to her friend.

'H-how could you? I THOUGHT WE WERE FREINDS!' she yelled her lungs out, and gripped her shirt. 'WHY?!.....why...' 

'She did it to protect us...if we went out there, she could have sacrificed for nothing,' all of a sudden we heard banging on the door downstairs. 'Are they here to kill us too?' Minako asks, 'Shh......' Haruhi whispers and crouches into the darkest corner, pulling Minako with her. 

'SEARCH THE AREA!' a man barks commands at his minions. The young blonde and red girls shut their eyes tight, 



They heard the sound of metal and iron. 'Stay here,' Haruhi whispers to Minako. She walks towards the window and breathes out, relieved. 

Two figures, a young boy and girl, seemed like they were on a killing spree. She could make out the faint colours, the male had light blonde hair with stormy grey eyes, as the female had violet to pink hair, and her electrifying blue eyes. They both wore regular school uniforms, with a red necktie. Haruhi was dazzled by the young boys movements, pulling out a battle-riffle.

'Haruhi-chan, why are you smiling?' Minako asks, she gestures for her to come closer. Minako watches the girl swing her katana, flipping over the gunmen and aiming flying kicks. 'They came to save us!' Haruhi squeals, 'A-are you sure?' Minako asks, Haruhi sighs and puts a hand to her shoulder, 'I think it's time we should use our alices,'

Minako walks back in surprise, 'But we don't know how to control it!'

'Oh please, it would be totally fun,' with that she decoded the door and walked out. 'HARUHI!!' Minako whines running after her. 

The guards turn towards them, 'Now,' she says.

'Black Hole,' Haruhi commands. A figure in the shadows appear, all of a sudden the guards get sucked in, their faces all distorted.

'Ugh, that's gross,'

'You just insulted your own alice,'

'Like I care,'

Then the ground rumbled, the floor cracked in two, dropping even more guards inside the pit,

'AWESOME!' Haruhi complimented Minako's doing.

'Where does that lead to?' a voice called behind them, they spun around. Haruhi breathed in and out silently, 'Your the guy from earlier!' she exclaims. He raises an eyebrow, 'What?' 

'N-nothing,' all of a sudden he went on his knees towards the girl next to him, Haruhi was shocked and depressed. 'Milady, what shall we do with them?' he asks. 'Teleport,' the young lady says softly, slipping her katana back into her holder. 'As your wish,' with that he walked towards the two friends. 'Please hold on to my arm,' 

'SURE!' Haruhi squeals, 'I-I mean okay,' she bushed a shade of crimson, Minako rolls her eyes and steals a glance of the mistress. Unexpectedly the princess caught her and smiled back. 

She's so pretty, and nice, and cool, and perfect.....she thought to herself,

'Minako, is that drool on your face?' Haruhi jokes, Minako wipes her mouth, 'no,' she replies. Looking back, the mistress is gone. Disappointment was now written all over her face.

Minutes later, they had arrived at a department of training for...assassin alices?!! 

'I'll explain everything once we get inside, by the way, the names Hayate Rouski,' he says, 'Minako Ninu,' they red head speaks up, 'Haruhi Tadas,' the blondie says. 'Nice to meet you,' they all say.

The princess knelt on the fence watching them all, thinking to herself, I have to learn to trust them...they'll be serving me, working with me, but I want to treat them as friends...my only friends from now on. 


After two years in training, the two young ladies became top assassins. Placed in first class to protect their POD, aka: Princess of Destruction. Any mission the mistress would have to take, the two females had to escort her. Since then, they've not just become servants who enjoy their job working with her, but most of all their best friends. But as the time grew longer, they had realized the lady had grew a cold heart. She never talked, sang, yet smiled. Of course they knew it was because of the missions, they were cruel and hard, that required only the best skill. The princess swore not to kill innocents, and it's been like that ever since. The two also knew her alices, and why she was the most vulnerable in the world of alices. Queen Alice herself had given her the one and only Secret Alice in the world. But to know that they were one of the few 20 that knew. But now she would rarely be seen, she would have excuses and Hayate would take her spot, as a prince of course.

As they were racing through the woods, Minoko asked, 'Hayate, do you know where Mistress had gone?' he froze on the spot, 'I......think-' suddenly his earpiece buzzed, 'Hayate?' the voice says,

'Yes, sir?'

'We need to fetch the princess,'



'Yes.....sir, copy that, over,'

Hayate turned towards the two, 'She's gone to Alice Academy,'



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