Online Class -Aneesah 0.1

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This year has been a real roller coaster ride for everyone. When Covid-19 first spread in China, I was half-scared of the virus and half glad that I'm not living in Wuhan. Fast forward in the middle of March, my country's cases skyrocketed. It wasn't as high as other countries like Italy, Iran and Spain but it was still worrying. And like thousands of other universities, my university has now started using online classes.

The first day of online class was a new but stressful experience for me. But everything got better with time. At first I wanted to talk about how stressful online class is for me, but I decided against it. So here's a few short stories on miscellaneous incidents that had happened during our online class.

During one of the classes, a friend of mine decided that it was a good idea for her to go to the bathroom in the middle of the class while bringing her phone along with her. We could hear everything that she was doing in the bathroom and everyone was laughing. At that time no one knew who it was but later that day, my friend confessed that it was her and she had gone to the bathroom to wash her face. A friend told me (while looking pretty awkward), he thought she went to pee because he mistook the sound of the water as the sound of flushing.

Having online class means that you also have to do presentations online. So during one of my friends' presentation, she had accidentally shown our Professor(who we are pretty scared of) a picture of her wallpaper which was a member of a Kpop group. I was laughing my ass off when I saw how quickly she opened something else to hide the wallpaper. Luckily, the professor didn't say anything about it.

So that's a few of things that had happened during my online classes. What's yours?

Gotta love online classes, am I right? We hope you are all doing well with the transition. Don't forget to send in your pictures for Quarantine Quenchers! Thanks for reading, and we'll see you on Wednesday!

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