The man held a datapad. It had J's face on the screen. "State unnu biznizz, detective."

The Universal Authority used to be a Non-Faction Organization (NFO). But with them wanting to explore the universe, they needed funding. The Kingdom provided them with that, and helped broker a deal with the leaders of Pluto to build a Police Academy on the planet.

When it came time for TUA to align themselves with a faction, they chose The Federation instead. It pissed off The Kingdom, who decided to ban members of TUA from its planets—Mars and Jupiter—and used its influence to discredit the organization.

It didn't last.

The Universal Authority had already gained notoriety throughout the system, and no one could stop them from patrolling conquered space. But the hate between the Martian law enforcement and TUA operatives remained, though one-sided.

I don't want any trouble. "I'm meeting Susan Goodman," J said. "I've provided all the necessary information."

The inspector kissed his teeth when he realized J was telling the truth. "Ih seh here yuh hab two dead bodies pan board."

J nodded. "Olivia and Monica Pauly."

The man's eyes widened. "Yuh a di one ahuu ketch Monica's killers?"

"Yes. You knew her?"

"Nuh, buh every Martian hear bout her death." The man scratched the back of his neck and laughed. "Sorry fah being an asshole. Me get carried aweh wid our rivalry. Yuh ketch di bastards ahuu murdered ah Martian. An fah dat, yuh have me gratitude."

J didn't know what to say. This wasn't how he expected the conversation to go. Marvin had informed him how hostile Inspectors were. They made it hard for detectives to enter Mars. Sometimes it led to fights because of the hostility.

I should be solving more dead Martians' cases. "No problem, Inspector..."

"Inspector August," the man said. "Hey, Amin," he called out to the female inspector as she headed their way.

"Wah?" She glared at J.

"Dis a di detective dat ketch Monica's murderers," Inspector August said.

Inspector Amin's facial expression softened. "Yuh nuh seh."

"Me duh seh." He turned to J. "Welcome tuh Mars, Detective Julian. Me hope yuh have ah lovely time."

J wanted to ask if they were sure they didn't want to check the dead bodies for anything illegal inside them. But he didn't want to seem ungrateful and miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Thank you," he said instead before shaking their hands.

After they left, J returned to the cockpit.

"Where to?" Esme asked.

"Let's start with Susan," he answered.

A hole opened in the force field, and the Corpse Flower went through it, arriving in Martian airspace and sailing through the skyway. Drones hovered on each side, producing bright lights that acted as barriers, making sure spaceships didn't crash into each other.

"The State of The Founding Fathers," Dennis said before jumping on the control panel, putting his hands on the window, and staring outside. "It's beautiful." Skyscrapers filled the ground as vehicles sped along the highways. "Is this what they call Heaven?"

"It's a utopia," J corrected him. "Nowhere close to Heaven."

Dennis turned to J. "What's the difference?"

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