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have you still got them on?

Mark texted. Yuta quickly replied with,

Nakamoto Yuta
no. they're in my car

go check your car

where did you get the shoes from? call me

Mark put down his phone and sipped on his sweet coffee, only to flinch when he burnt his tongue. He winced and pushed it away. He had always had a habit of being clumsy.

When his phone rang, he swiped upwards to answer the call.

"Yuta, hey."

"Hi. I got the shoes from a shop just around the corner from where I live. A shop called Shoezone next to a bookstore that I can't remember the name of."

Just hearing Yuta's voice relaxed the Canadian, who was so convinced that something bad was about to happen that he was prepared to drive to the convention himself.

Mark nodded. "Okay, cool. I know the one you mean. I'm going over there to see if I'm missing something."

"Okay, see ya," Yuta said. In the background, the sounds of doors closing could be heard.

Mark paused for a moment."Get back safely," he said softly, and then he hung up.

Mark felt particularly attached to this client of his; this wasn't the first time this had happened. He had met somebody, many years ago, who shared the same birthdate with the fortune teller, and something terrible had happened to him. Mark was only so persistent with sticking to this Japanese man because the last time a client of his had displayed something that related to Mark, he had died, and Mark nearly lost his life, too.

He was adamant this time to not let anything like that happen again. Now, Yuta was involved in his affairs whether he liked it or not.

Mark sighed. He had taken a liking to Yuta, regardless of his tendency towards explosive rudeness, and he just didn't want to lose him. He didn't want to fail another person.

Mark was already dressed. Well, he was still in his pyjamas of a black T-shirt and red tracksuit bottoms with a white stripe down the side, but he looked decent enough to just slip on a pair of trainers and leave his flat in search of the shoe shop.

Now that he was out of his house, he could feel a change in the air. The people within the city were on edge, cautious around the roads and dragging children away from the pavements. The cars would round corners and reach high speeds so slowly, that a family might have been able to cross in front of it before it reached anywhere near them.

In fact, there were few cars on the road and just as few pedestrians. It seemed the area had not yet recovered from the tragedy.

His eyes scanned the scene. The whole atmosphere of the once bustling town was now so cold.

Mark pushed on towards his destination, trying to remain unbothered by the sense of unease in his mind.

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