Luckily we missed the craziness of Nanna explaining everything to my parents; who with the help of Will and his family were now up to date with the world of werewolves. Annabelle was doing better, with my Aunt and Uncle being kept out of the loop about the supernatural activity in our family since they had been told about the pregnancy instead.

Annabelle was happy to keep quiet about it all too, opting to pretend it didn’t happen despite Nanna making an appointment for her with a psychologist; who also happened to be a werewolf.

  “So just like that, he let you go?” Will asked, sounding as disbelieving as the look on everyone’s faces.

 “There are a few conditions, but yeah. For now.” Danny answered rudely.

 I barely looked at my brother, not sure why the sudden hostility towards Will and I couldn’t be bothered to ask either. All I could do was stare at the white lumpy bits that had once been a marshmallow disintegrate further on the surface of my drink.

 “But, what about the police? Can’t your werewolf friends get him now? He kidnapped my kids, that’s grounds enough for an arrest!” Mum yelled.

 “It’s not that simple, we went over this already. All we’ve been able to do is make things uncomfortable for him, and-“ Noah started to explain.

 “No. It hasn’t bothered Scott at all. You’ve pissed off Guy and the Howlers. Scott isn’t close enough to that for it to be an issue.” I found myself answering.

 “Yes, but-“ He continued.

 “We saw. Guy went to the house and asked Scott to fix it and he was practically thrown out after Scott beat him up.” Danny finished. “Scott is after the Blakes, well the boys anyway. Michael really fucked up his Dad and he may as well as killed him now Scott has him.”

 Mum frowned as Danny cursed and I rolled my eyes.

 “I don’t know the details exactly, but there is a lot going on between the family and Alpha.” Danny sighed.

 “We only got let out in the hopes of them coming to us.” I tell them.

 “Why would they? You’d think they’d have left the country by now!” Dad sounded more involved in this than Mum who still only saw it for what it was. Bad guy took her kids; the justice system should sort it out. The werewolf issue probably hadn’t truly sunk in.

 “Dad, Mike is kind of dating Sarah. He could have made a huge mess of them at the clinic, but didn’t because Sar was in danger and he wasn’t going to risk pissing Scott off enough to actually hurt her.” I felt the attention in the room shift to me and ignored it by finally taking a sip of the cold beverage in my hands. “Scott’s hoping Mike will come find her now.”

"Their kind are very loyal when they find a mate." Nanna winked at me, and I pretended I didn't see. "I should know!"

 Dad groaned. “I always dreaded the day my little girl would start bringing home boys and-“ 

“He won’t. He still has his brothers to think of and he isn’t stupid enough to fall for one of Scott’s traps.” I snapped, standing up I needed to escape. ”I need to shower.”

 Behind me Dad and Danny kept talking, and the most obvious thing was anytime Will or one of his tried to get involved, Danny shut them up or ignored them. Once the water was on, I stopped listening, over the subject.

 Once I was dressed, I felt a little bit better. Being somewhere familiar with the secure feeling of home helped too and coming out into the hallway Danny was waiting. For someone who had just been released from a kidnapper, he really didn’t look happy.

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