18 | beef stew

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Accounting Department – Miyagi – 5:55PM

"Tsukishima-senpai, can you help me with this one?" the newly hired bookkeeper tapped your shoulder and asked.

"The notes are missing and it's a little too difficult to understand," she added, with you now looking at her monitor.

"That's the unupdated file," you immediately told the newbie, surprising her.

"Ah, sorry, Tsukishima-senpai," she apologized and closed the file.

"Tsukishima-san, I'm going home now," your co-worker bid you farewell, reminding you of the time. It was already 6PM.

You went back to your desk to collect and organize your bag, preparing to leave. You didn't have plans tonight but you always secretly hurry home when it was time. Understandable, really, afterall, it hasn't been a month since you and Kei moved together after your marriage.

"I'm on my way home," you texted Kei and got down the stairs.

You were thinking of dropping by the grocery store to buy some tofu and meat for dinner.

"Take care. I have extra work to do, I'll be home in an hour," he replied.

"Take care too, Kei," you responded immediately and headed to the store, knowing you had more time than usual to prepare dinner.

Tsukishima Residence – 7:10PM

The smell of beef and mushroom stew filled the kitchen as you stirred it. You turned off the stove and placed the lid back on. Meanwhile, on your left, was the chocolate dip you were making for the strawberries you just washed. You couldn't wait to see Kei's reaction to all this.

"I'm home," you heard his voice and the sound of him changing shoes.

"Welcome home," you enthusiastically spoke and turned off the stove heating the dip. You grabbed a big bowl and transferred the stew you just made.

"Oh, what is my wife cooking?" he asked and you heard his voice and footsteps get louder.

"Stew," you answered and looked at him right after you filled the bowl.

"How was work?" you asked him with a smile, to which he responded with a kiss on your forehead.

"Unusually awful, really," he answered, "I had to take over someone's work today."

"Why? Was your co-worker absent or something?" you asked and began to get the utensils.

"Yeah, I didn't really have a choice."

"At least its all over, heh," you tried comforting him.

"Well, I guess he'll go work on Monday."

"Then that's good," you added and placed the plates on the table, "Let's eat now."



"Preparing dinner, I forgot to buy us a meal," he answered and pointed at the stew as he took a seat.

"We're already married, in case you forgot," you reminded.


Kei, as always, was impressed by your cooking and by now, it even seems like he's pretending to be surprised with your food.

"It's really good," he praised it again, "As always."

He doesn't usually have much appetite and it was a concern back when he was playing for Karasuno. Thankfully though, he likes eating whatever you cook.

"Rin-niisan called, by the way," he told you so casually. Rin insisted on being called nii-san after the wedding. He finally "accepted" Kei, not that it really mattered in the first place.

"Huh? What did he say?"

"He asked me when he'll be an uncle," Kei answered after taking one last bite.

"It's been 2 and a half weeks," you shook your head, cringing at Rin's idiocy.

"Well, you know my brother," you added, "Sorry for disrupting your work though," you apologized.

"Don't worry about it, I didn't even let him finish his question," Kei smirked.

"At least Akiteru-niisan is really nice, unlike Rin," you commented, "He's not going to ask about kids, right?"

"But my mom probably will," he sighed.

"She doesn't even like me," you thought, "But she's probably secretly eager to have grandkids, right?"

"I mean, you told me," he added, "you want 'lots of them,' right?" he anxiously asked.

"H-hey, that was a joke," you denied.

"You don't want many kids?" he was strangely surprised.

"You want many kids, Kei?" you tried to confirm, now imagining small Kei-looking blondes jumping around the house, calling you mom and dad.

In a span of a few seconds, you already thought of how life will be like the day that happens. But for now, deep inside, you wanted to spend your days in peace with Kei, just the two of you together.

"W-why are you r-red now?" he asked, despite being flustered himself.

"I'm not but you! You are!"

"Just answer, how many do you want?" it was impossible to distinguish if it was a serious question. He had his usual annoyed tsundere tone but it seemed like he was just covering up his nervousness.

"It's not like you can grant them to me like a gift or something, Kei! That's not how it works," you avoided the question, now also in an annoyed tone.

"Fine, then answer a different question," he shook his head, thinking of something else.

"Why am I the only one answering questions? How many do you want?"

"Boy or girl?" he continued asking, ignoring your whines.

You sighed but he stared at you, waiting for a proper answer.


"How many kids do you want?" he asked again in all seriousness.

"That question again, you should answer too!"

"How many?" he asked again.

"Fine," you clicked your tongue, forced to answer the question, "I want... T-three," you muttered almost inaudibly.

Your imagination of 3 blondes that look like Kei came back again. You tried to conceal how giddy that made you feel.

"That's a lot," he commented on a calmer manner, "If they look like you, then, that's cute, and-"


"We gotta work hard to get three."

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