17 | tsundere

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The rest of the night was most definitely one of the best moments of your life. It was heartwarming to see everyone happily participating in the games, like Wedding Guest Bingo, "I Spy" for the kids, and Freeze Dance.

You also had your own set of games with Kei prepared, such as the famous game, "Who's most likely to?" but with signboards of your faces this time. You sat on a chair behind Kei so you couldn't see his answers and neither could he.

"Who..." the host started, adding some suspense.

"made the first move?" she asked, it made you chuckle, knowing fully well that it was you who started with the baking tradition you had with him.

You raised your signboard of your face and smiled mischievously, it started the laughter of many, even including Yachi, who also knew it was the truth.

"Now, who really made the first move?" the host repeated, making you repeat your answer as well.

"Who will be most likely to wake up grumpy?" she continued and you knew too well that he was guilty of this one. It's just a matter of him admitting. You raised Kei's signboard and everyone was laughing and commenting about it.

"Who is the bigger crybaby?" Ah, another easy question. Definitely you.

"Who's the better chef?" This one too! Obviously you. You raised your signboard proudly.

"Who is the first one to have a crush on the other?" Tricky question, but it was you who made the first move, it had to be you, again.

"Who has the crazier family?" Ah, this one. Uh oh, you couldn't say it was his, though deep inside, you knew it was them. Out of courtesy and your innate kindness, you simply raised your signboard, immediately getting a petty backlash from Rin.

"Who's more likely to have mood swings?" Kei! Without a doubt! You raised his signboard faster than ever, a hundred percent sure of your answer.

"Alright, last one, who says 'I love you' more often?" You were sure it was Kei.

Next was the last game, Spin the Wheel, which had to involve your guests.

"Alright! For the last game of the night, may I please ask the guests to check under their chair?" the host spoke loudly on the microphone, getting everyone's attention.

"For those who have a blue card under your chair, line up in front please! We have prizes for you too!"

You saw some of your friends from Karasuno stand and line up, namely, Daichi, Yachi, Yamaguchi. You were getting excited again, given that there were a lot of fun dares in the wheel like singing and dancing.

"Oh, we have the maid of honor and the best man again," the host noticed and looked at the rest of the line.

"First, spinning the wheel, we have," the host placed the microphone near Daichi's mouth, telling him to state his name.

"Sawamura Daichi," he spoke.

"Ah, Sawamura-san, let's game this game started. Please spin the wheel!"

He let out a small chuckle and did as he was told.

"Give a piece of advice to the bride," it was pointed.

"Our signature emotional music please!" the host exclaimed, pointing at the back of the hall, where the sound system was.

"Really? I do this every day," Daichi shook his head, acting hesitant but readily grabbed the microphone.

"Okay, well, Y/N-chan," he began his short speech, "Tsukishima may be a tsundere, but please bear with our favorite middle blocker. Well, you're a Tsukishima now, but you get my point."

"How is that advice? And I am not a tsundere," Tsukishima muttered and clicked his tongue.

"You probably have no idea how flustered he gets whenever we teased him back in our days in high school," Daichi continued and laughed, distancing the microphone afterwards.

"Oh, Kei-san, are you really a tsundere?" the host teased, making you laugh.

"Now, Sir, what is your name?" the host moved on to the next guest.

"Nakamura Irino," he stated.

"Ah, we go to the same classes," Kei explained to you, to which you just nodded.

The man spun the wheel and unexpectedly, it pointed to the "Bride and Groom Kiss" panel.

"Ah, Kei-san, Y/N-san, time for another kiss!" the host energetically spoke.

You faced him and smiled, "Nervous?" you teased.

Kei didn't waste a second though, and kissed you, catching you off guard.

"Oh, Y/N-san, is this your first kiss?" the host commented right after, seeing how flustered and giddy you look. Kei simply laughed it off, probably giving himself a pat in the back for being so smooth.

"Up next, we have the best man," the host introduced, placing the microphone near Yamaguchi's mouth, still making him say his name again.

"Yamaguchi Tadashi," he answered and the host asked him to spin the wheel.

You were getting excited this time, hoping he'd get a daring one.

"Oh! What do we have here?" the host spoke again, "Kiss your wedding date!"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking, Kei?" you nudged Kei, who was also smirking.

"Of course."

"I didn't bring a date," Yamaguchi protested shyly.

"Ah, what do you think, Kei-san, Y/N-san?" the host consulted you.

"Yachi Hitoka!" you exclaimed and laughed

"Oh, maid of honor?"

"Y-Yachi?" Yamaguchi's surprise was captured by the camera and amplified by the microphone.

"Just a quick kiss will do!" you exclaimed again, "Kei and I kissed too!"

"You're married!" Yachi scolded you.

Yamaguchi, now getting redder than ever, approached Yachi in the line.

"Oh, they're really gonna kiss?" you 'gossiped' with Kei.

"Look what you made them do," Kei chuckled, still smirking.

The two really did kiss. Thank you 'Spin the Wheel!' for an opportunity for your bestfriend.

After the game, the speech of your families followed. Your mother delivered her speech after his finished hers, followed by Akiteru's and even Rin's. Akiteru kept in short and simple, but it was nice and sweet. He focused on how cheerful Kei was when they were kids and how he somehow sees that side of Kei more often than before.

Rin's was more emotional that you expected it to be and he even prepared a short slideshow of your pictures together. He talked about how he much he cherished those days and in some, he couldn't understand why you siblings had to live so far away from each other.

Last but not the least, was your thank you message for the guests.

"My bride and I would like to thank everyone for coming here and celebrate this memorable moment with us. To our families, thank you for supporting us all throughout and mom, I can't be the man I am today without your guidance. Thank you. For our friends, my high school friends, I'm very grateful you've come here despite your busy lives to join me and Y/N. We will cherish this moment forever." 

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