Chapter 48

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" I can't believe it's tomorrow," whispered Evelyn while sitting next to Lily.

The redhead nodded, " It feels like we were all just eleven, waiting to be sorted,"

Remus took a seat next to Evelyn and smiled slightly, " We've known each other for seven years, Ev," 

The brunette felt her eyes water and she leant against the werewolf and began crying, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and Sirius came in the room.

" Oh bloody hell Moony, I specifically told you not to talk about the past with Evelyn, or she'll start blubbering," 

Remus chuckled, " All I said was we've known each other for seven years,"

Evelyn let sob, " I- I don't kn-know, may-maybe I'm just about to-to start my-my period or s-something!" she wailed.

" No Ev you're a total sap," said Nicole with Marlene on her lap, " The only one who could give you a run for your money is Jamesy, over there," 

The group looked to James who was staring at the ceiling, obviously trying not to cry, " Go f-fuck yourself, B-Blanton," he sniffed. 

Evelyn began laughing as tears fell from her eyes causing everyone in the room to burst out laughing,she stood and walked over to James and wrapped her arms around him, " Thank you f-for being s-such a good f-friend!" she sobbed into his chest.

James looked down, causing the tears he had been trying to hide to fall freely, " E-Ev sh-shut the hell u-up!" he cried hugging her back. 

This only made the group laugh more, " Awww, let's give them both a big hug, " cooed Nicole standing up her arms outstretched. The rest of them followed as James and Evelyn told them all to fuck off. 

Lily felt her lip tremble, " Is this infectious?" she asked, wiping her eyes with her sleeve. 

Marlene nodded, her blue eyes already filled with tears, " Ye-yeah,"


 " Remember when Sirius and James blew up the potions lab?" Marlene asked with a fond smile with her head in Lily's lap and feet in Nicole's. 

The group chuckled and nodded. " Remember that time James came running through the hall screaming about that snowman? And it turned out he was right." Peter asked, the group laughed again and Sirius and Evelyn shared a look.

" Remember our first date, Sirius?" Evelyn asked. Sirius who was sitting next to her snorted," I will never forget it."

 Lily snickered," Yeah that guy you hit in the back of the head was Emmaline's date." Sirius nodded," He was pissed."

Remus looked around, everyone here knew about his secret, and they were okay with it. He felt himself smile," I just want to thank you all, before I met all of you I thought it impossible for someone like me to even have friends.. but you all stuck with me, you lot make me feel a little more human." he finished quietly. Evelyn gave him a watery smile, she stood up and went over and hugged him," You're a beautiful person Remus Lupin, and we wouldn't have it any other way."

James grinned," I remember almost seven years ago, Evelyn told me to go make friends with that shady looking kid." he said looking over to Sirius," I'm glad I listened."

" Pffffff," Nicole was looking up at the ceiling and bouncing her leg," Don't get me sappy, you wanker." her voice cracked on the last part. Lily's lip trembled," Marley." she said leaning over to hug Marlene who hugged back fiercely.

 That's how the night went on, it was soon 3 a.m and they had to return to their common rooms. Hugs and kisses were exchanged, saying the same thing. Goodnight, see you tomorrow, and I love you.

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