Greatest hits: Counting down my favorite fan art Part 1

27 2 6

Just a little walk down memory lane.

Honorable Mention to my Atticus Finch and anime Friends drawings that are still at school

30. Lapis Lazuli- Steven Universe (Chapter 13)

 Lapis Lazuli- Steven Universe (Chapter 13)

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29. Mia Dolan- La La Land (Chapter 14)

 Mia Dolan- La La Land (Chapter 14)

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28. Jack and Rose- Titanic (Cant find where I posted this first)

 Jack and Rose- Titanic (Cant find where I posted this first)

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27. Cute shippy Tenrose (Chapter 15)

 Cute shippy Tenrose (Chapter 15)

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26. Drawing My Resume: Part 3 (Chapter 83)

 Drawing My Resume: Part 3 (Chapter 83)

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25. The Maze Runnee- Page 250 (Chapter 8)

 The Maze Runnee- Page 250 (Chapter 8)

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24. Doctor Who- Doomsday (Chapter 15)

 Doctor Who- Doomsday (Chapter 15)

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23. Zuko- Avatar (Chapter 9)

Lol I remember now that half the reason I started watching Avatar was bc I was like "Zuko's so pretty I really want to draw him but I don't wanna do that without having watched the show guess I'm watching the show now" AND BOY WAS THAT THE RIGHT C...

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Lol I remember now that half the reason I started watching Avatar was bc I was like "Zuko's so pretty I really want to draw him but I don't wanna do that without having watched the show guess I'm watching the show now" AND BOY WAS THAT THE RIGHT CHOICE

22. LOST couples (Chapter 26)

 LOST couples (Chapter 26)

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21. The Tenth Doctor (Chapter 15)

 The Tenth Doctor (Chapter 15)

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20. Les Miserables- Soliloquy (Chapter 71)

 Les Miserables- Soliloquy (Chapter 71)

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