Space Oddity

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I was really bored after TCAP today (it's finally over We Are the Champions hooray) so I wrote all the words to one of my favorite songs on my scratch paper and then boxed my favorite part, the part that makes me  "aww" and the part that hurts me

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I was really bored after TCAP today (it's finally over We Are the Champions hooray) so I wrote all the words to one of my favorite songs on my scratch paper and then boxed my favorite part, the part that makes me  "aww" and the part that hurts me

I was really bored after TCAP today (it's finally over We Are the Champions hooray) so I wrote all the words to one of my favorite songs on my scratch paper and then boxed my favorite part, the part that makes me  "aww" and the part that hurts me

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I wish someone I know liked David Bowie

He's so good

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